Hockler Machine Pistol

Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:55 pm

For those worried about not being able to pick up pre-order weapons, don't worry; http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1180129-picking-up-enemy-weapons/.

Also, they shouldn't imbalance the game, as there are similar weapons that are in the regular game...one revolver and one automatic pistol.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:06 pm

I hope this part ISN'T true...

Do we have a source to confirm? Because that would actually unbalance them against enemies who don't have the DLC.

If those weapons were totally overpowered. Which they are not.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:51 pm

I really doubt a machine pistol and a revolver are going to heavily shift the battle in favor of the pre-order guys. Personally I only pre-ordered the spec-ops pack because the Hockler looks nice.
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Your Mum
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:51 pm

I really doubt a machine pistol and a revolver are going to heavily shift the battle in favor of the pre-order guys. Personally I only pre-ordered the spec-ops pack because the Hockler looks nice.

But to sell a game with this sense of "fair and balanced, everybody has a chance" and then only give certain items to certain people who preordered from a certain place is, even if only a slight one, a hypocritical behavior.

It's not like they're saying "you get an extra gun for preordering", it's "you get an extra gun for preordering from these two places", if you preorder elsewhere you either get some extra skins or nothing.

If all the guns have different stats to make them more useful in certain situations then your giving some advantage to the guys that have them in those situations.

Same applies if the Greeneye scope or soda can silencers have stats different from the scopes/silencers in the game, which further compounds the advantage that someone who pre-orders from walmart/amazon will have.

I don't particularly care about the stuff, but handing out "stat" items as pre-orders in any MP game gives those that pre-order an advantage.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:23 am

What advantage though? Just because the guns have unique stats doesn't mean theyre better. Maybe theyre worse, we don't know.
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:47 pm

What advantage though? Just because the guns have unique stats doesn't mean theyre better. Maybe theyre worse, we don't know.

They're not going to be "worse" the point is that they've stated that all weapons are "balanced" just some are statted better for certain ways of play. So if the pre-order stuff is exclusive and not just reskins of something already in the game then there's an advantage for those certain ways of play, whatever they may be.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:00 pm

If those weapons were totally overpowered. Which they are not.

You missed my post after that, obviously.

Working on the assumption that weapons can be picked up (which was apparently false - thank you Keinan), if you can't pick up a weapon that's a pre-order exclusive unless you have that pre-order pack, then THAT would be unbalanced. I'm hoping that if you CAN pick up weapons, you can pick up ANY weapon at all. Including ones you'd normally have to pre-order to have access to.

Also, agreed that the extra weapons, even if they're balanced well, will give a (VERY slight) advantage to those with them. Not because the weapons are "better" in any way, but because they provide a TINY amount of additional tactical flexibility over players with just the regular weapon selection. That's also a major reason why I want the pre-order packs to be made available to everyone later on down the line.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:02 pm

They're not going to be "worse" the point is that they've stated that all weapons are "balanced" just some are statted better for certain ways of play. So if the pre-order stuff is exclusive and not just reskins of something already in the game then there's an advantage for those certain ways of play, whatever they may be.

Not neccessarily. I get where youre coming from, but i think you have a very narrow field of view here. It's not like the stats of that gun make it unbeatable if you just play a certain way. it might not even be any different from another weapon already in the game, save for minor differences like reload time or ammo capacity. I hardly think its going to be any sort of game breaker.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:31 pm

No one's saying the pre-order weapons will go so far as to break the game. But I agree that exclusive weapons in a multiplayer game - even sidearms, and sidearms that have non-preorder counterparts at that - is a recipe for trouble. I don't think it will be a huge deal, or much of a deal at all, but it's still vaguely troubling. And this is coming from someone who will have the Caesar and the silencers.
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:47 am

I have to admit I just don't see it affecting the game at all. But I really don't want to have an internet fight, so I'm prepared to agree to disagree. Or better yet, wait for the game to come out and see for myself (I'm getting the Hockler). ^^
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:47 am

Not neccessarily. I get where youre coming from, but i think you have a very narrow field of view here. It's not like the stats of that gun make it unbeatable if you just play a certain way. it might not even be any different from another weapon already in the game, save for minor differences like reload time or ammo capacity. I hardly think its going to be any sort of game breaker.

I'm not saying gamebreaker, or unbeatable. All it takes for something to be unbalanced is simply not having that option on the other side. In this case it's "Perorderers from Walmart and Amazon" having something that, according to all info at the moment, nobody else will have that causes a balance issue. It's not a huge issue (could be worse when we get the facts on stats) it's simply unbalanced.

The other preorders include tattoos and shirts and weapon reskins, which don't throw balance because you can still have tattos and shirts and those weapons.

If all the preorder packs end up being is reskinned weapons then it's no longer a balance issue.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:31 am

You say balance, but I'm not really sure what you mean by that. "Unbalanced" is IMO a very harsh term to use about a game, but I get the distinct feeling you and I mean different things by that word.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:17 pm

No one's saying the pre-order weapons will go so far as to break the game. But I agree that exclusive weapons in a multiplayer game - even sidearms, and sidearms that have non-preorder counterparts at that - is a recipe for trouble. I don't think it will be a huge deal, or much of a deal at all, but it's still vaguely troubling. And this is coming from someone who will have the Caesar and the silencers.

And you have agreement from someone who's getting the Hockler and Greeneye.

EDIT: @EisenKreutzer - "imbalance" can mean only a minor imbalance. Two weapons which are identical stat-wise, except that one deals 1000 damage and the other deals 1001, would still be an imbalance. The difference may be barely detectable, even over the course of a 20 - 30 minute game, but it's still going to be there.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:05 pm

Does anyone know if you do the Walmart Pre-Order if they will be releasing game at Midnight or will you have to wait for them to stock shelfs later that day?
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elliot mudd
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:13 pm

"imbalance" can mean only a minor imbalance. Two weapons which are identical stat-wise, except that one deals 1000 damage and the other deals 1001, would still be an imbalance. The difference may be barely detectable, even over the course of a 20 - 30 minute game, but it's still going to be there.

Under this definition, I am in complete agreement.
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City Swagga
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:00 pm

No one's saying the pre-order weapons will go so far as to break the game. But I agree that exclusive weapons in a multiplayer game - even sidearms, and sidearms that have non-preorder counterparts at that - is a recipe for trouble. I don't think it will be a huge deal, or much of a deal at all, but it's still vaguely troubling. And this is coming from someone who will have the Caesar and the silencers.

BRINK offers another full auto sidearm and another revolver.

I doubt they'll be much different from the pre-order guns.
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gary lee
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:04 pm

I am planning to pre-order Brink from Wal-Mart just for the Hockler Machine Pistol, but I just want to know; can it be used for both factions? Or just Security?

I'm wondering this because in the ad graphic for the pre-order it shows the weapon as a Security weapon.

that sounds very nice
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brandon frier
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:44 pm

BRINK offers another full auto sidearm and another revolver.

I doubt they'll be much different from the pre-order guns.

That's what I'm saying. :P
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:18 pm

It's funny how a simple question about pre-orders spawned a 3-page discussion on weapon balance.

I love this forum xD
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Jason King
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:47 pm

It's funny how a simple question about pre-orders spawned a 3-page discussion on weapon balance.

I love this forum xD

It is awesome. Why I kill so much time here.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:08 am

And you have agreement from someone who's getting the Hockler and Greeneye.

EDIT: @EisenKreutzer - "imbalance" can mean only a minor imbalance. Two weapons which are identical stat-wise, except that one deals 1000 damage and the other deals 1001, would still be an imbalance. The difference may be barely detectable, even over the course of a 20 - 30 minute game, but it's still going to be there.

I see what you're getting at. However, this minuscule bit of imbalance doesn't quite concern me. After all, many of the top-tier shooter out there had a smudge of imbalance (I direct you to the Battlefield games and COD4/World At War/Black Ops)

Having a shooter be completely balanced is like having a child who has absolutely zero risk of getting cancer. You can't do it.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:20 pm

hmmm i believe cod games to be extremely unbalanced. just sayin
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:22 pm

I'm just happy that the Greeneye isn't an exclusive item. I'm going to use it on the Tampa SMG.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:58 pm

You say balance, but I'm not really sure what you mean by that. "Unbalanced" is IMO a very harsh term to use about a game, but I get the distinct feeling you and I mean different things by that word.

EDIT: @EisenKreutzer - "imbalance" can mean only a minor imbalance. Two weapons which are identical stat-wise, except that one deals 1000 damage and the other deals 1001, would still be an imbalance. The difference may be barely detectable, even over the course of a 20 - 30 minute game, but it's still going to be there.

Under this definition, I am in complete agreement.

Then we'll take imbalance as the idea. Not knowing the stat differences I have no clue at what effect it will have, simply that there will be an effect. And again it isn't really a huge concern for me gameplay wise, I just happen to disagree with it as a marketing decision.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:15 am

Then we'll take imbalance as the idea. Not knowing the stat differences I have no clue at what effect it will have, simply that there will be an effect. And again it isn't really a huge concern for me gameplay wise, I just happen to disagree with it as a marketing decision.

Well said. That's my stance as well. No exclusive weapons in multiplayer, even sidearms with non-preorder equivalents. Still, as you say, not a big deal either. It's the principle.
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