Hold down to fire problem

Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:40 pm

Ok so this is REALLY pissing me off, it's actually the first thing doing just that and I didn't expect such problems. I was gone for 5 days and I returned home yesterday and saw that there was a new patch. I updated and everything seemed fine, I saw the minor changes in the menu, so I was like "Hell yeah let's continue leveling up!". I joined a server, picked my class (I'm using a Feline with some attachments) and BAM! Just like that my weapon starts jamming. And I mean real jamming, I hold down my left mouse button, it fires ONE SINGLE SHOT and it blocks, I must continuously press the button in order to get some bullets flying... I tried with the Scar: same thing. So, I tried those weapons in singleplayer, but there's the catch: they worked fine in SP. SO, just to be sure I replugged all my USB devices including my mouse (Razer merchandise) and restarted my PC: same thing, shooting in MP was still impossible. If anyone else has this problem, please say so and let's hope Crytek can look into this, because I REALLY cannot kill a single thing :(

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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:18 am

Are you sure you're not changing the firing modes?
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:52 am

Just checked again to see if I really was changing the firing modes, and I haven't, I can't actually, because the weapon requires the "Single-firing mode" attachment, which I haven't attached to neither my Feline or Scar. Still it MIGHT actually be from my mouse bugging up, but why would it be working in SP and not in MP? Strange... Just for extra info (not to brag), I'm with the Razer Imperator mouse.
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