Ok so this is REALLY pissing me off, it's actually the first thing doing just that and I didn't expect such problems. I was gone for 5 days and I returned home yesterday and saw that there was a new patch. I updated and everything seemed fine, I saw the minor changes in the menu, so I was like "Hell yeah let's continue leveling up!". I joined a server, picked my class (I'm using a Feline with some attachments) and BAM! Just like that my weapon starts jamming. And I mean real jamming, I hold down my left mouse button, it fires ONE SINGLE SHOT and it blocks, I must continuously press the button in order to get some bullets flying... I tried with the Scar: same thing. So, I tried those weapons in singleplayer, but there's the catch: they worked fine in SP. SO, just to be sure I replugged all my USB devices including my mouse (Razer merchandise) and restarted my PC: same thing, shooting in MP was still impossible. If anyone else has this problem, please say so and let's hope Crytek can look into this, because I REALLY cannot kill a single thing