I would like the route to be more racers choice... but with specific check points.
Edit: Errr horses optional? .... cross country? I can make it more a road race, but I thought cross country would be more fun....challenging. .
I checked in on my Nekkid Sleigh Ride contender and found her in Solstheim up to her ears in quests. Oops! Good thing I have no shortage of Nords who are up for the challenge. My Plan B wants to do it under the continuous influence of Nord mead. I have no idea how much that will take. I guess we'll see!
Hot cider for everyone! (It's cold and dreary today in Grits world.)
That's right darling.....well worth it Just make sure you don't forget that sweetie, or you'll be needing another new tee shirt
Nicholas Claus the III
Adept + DD + Immersive Creatures, both set at scary difficulty
Now where did I put those snow boots...
Welcome to the party...pull up a cushion, grab a mug of Coco or Cider... cookies and Rum cake are on the table...
Ok..here is my proposed routes for the "Nekkid Nord Sleigh run" ( if everyone is agreeable, I will put it on the 1st post)
Stendar's Beacon .... ...Alchemists Shack ........... Deadmans Drink .......... Gjukar's Monument ......
Old Hroldan ...........Markarth ............Orphans Tear ............... Solitude Light house .......
Wreck of the BrineHammer ...... Dawnstar ......... Frostflow Light house ........ Weynon Stones .......
Nightgate Inn ........ Whiterun ending at Refugee's rest.
By Popular request... you can run the race two ways
1) On horseback
2) On foot
( or do both if you really want to )
* same as the Nekkid Nord Challenge...
- un-improved Iron weapon only ( low lvl spells only, ie novice)
- Santa hat and boots ( what ever you are using for a santa hat.... Boots can be armored IF they came that way ( but no higher than base Elven)
- Cloth may be worn * cough* santa suit....with no armor rating
- Vanilla speed on horses...and people
- you may take one follower with you
- time is from point to point.. you may camp, wait, cook dinner... or spend the night in town, you time begins again when you leave the town.
- you are close enough if you can hit the a part of the "woodwork" so to speak, with a 2h sword...
- Difficulty is up to you
- start at 6 am Skyrim time.
- last day to enter time...Dec 31st or when everyone who has said they are going to participate has put in their time... please PM me your time, when everyone has done so, I will post them all.
********* For those who would like to participate, but DiD is not your style, you may as long as you put that in your character intro. The idea here is speed... and having fun.
For those who are participating, please let me know and I will add ** Sleigh run ** to your introduction.
It is a very rambling course and kinda long course... but you don't have to run it all in one RL day if you don't have the time to do so... I would just stop and save at a way point. Practice run's are fine... as it IS a long course and a lot of it is cross country.
Well you might be darling, but I'm thinking bottles of a nice Chianti and maybe a case of something with a bit more kick
Well of course darling......you
lol... well as speed is generally the point of a race ( mostly ) sprinting is allowed. err and wouldn't venison or veggie soup be a better idea than spamming stamina potions? I mean 1 point per second for 720 seconds... and they stack. I could be wrong, cause when I need to get somewhere quick, I generally ride a horse.
and as it's in the vanilla game... I have no problem with it. ...If I put a rule against that, I would probably have to say "no whirlwind sprint" either... and while I don't think that is in the spirit of the game, I won't dis-allow it, cause it may be needed to get away in an emergency.
Weeeeell... see now IF someone hadn't said that he wanted to chase a certain someone else on foot...... ....
I think a lot of potions & food will be used on foot... on Legendary... with low lvl spells and iron weapons. Kaylea will be riding her horse, that way she can simply ride past most of the things that would like to have her for Christmas dinner.
This is a really cool idea, I might give it a go over the holidays!
You are more than welcome! Grab a mug & plate find a nice place by the fire...we try not to sing too off key.
Hey.... I hear ya... sometimes we hate to see one go, but we sure as heck love to watch them leave.
... lol... it's an expression.... meaning... I wish you'd stay... but I love to watch that awesome butt walk away.... If your chasing someone.. your watching their ???? walk away? in skimpy cloths? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNVguvNE7qc
;D .... yeah well, we all have those days...or week's for me sometimes.
Edit : phone...
Sah darling.....oh how wonderful many happy returns sweetie
Some random pictures...
While Kaylea and Nix are scoping out the land of Skyrim, looking for children to bring Holiday cheer to ( lvl 7 and already 4 dragons... )
http://i.imgur.com/cUFE9Ih.jpg...just the "fine" hat for now
http://i.imgur.com/KvBLatb.jpg ( and a guard in her Nitie... or it looks like one... mod I don't use often)
Happy Birthday, Sah!
Areial, your elves look great! I love the red and green color scheme.