I'll PM some patches to you. Try those.
I'll PM some patches to you. Try those.
Just so other people following this bug know, the crash is caused by a conflict with the way Xiran's Better Music System tracks npcs/creatures in combat with the player. Uninstalling it fixed the crash issue when the assassins teleport away.
I'm waiting on music files from BTB to see whether his edited version of Better Music System has the same problem (it tracks enemies differently).
Or if you want those musics to play, you could cancel assassin teleport using console command
Set UAH_DBFlee to 0
Even BTB's version keeps track of enimies, though less frequently, from what I understood from how BTB's version works. So it might also cause crash, but I hope not.
ifx ( ref ) setx ref to xNextRef refelse setx ref to xFirstNPCendifto
ifx ( ref ) setx ref to xNextRef refelse setx ref to xFirstNPCendifxSetRef refif ( GetHealth <= 0 ) returnendifin the music script
I'm looking for suggestions regarding the way Morag Tong Assassins attack and ways to stop them.
Would it make sense that MT assassins atack you till end of time? I'd say no. With the DBAssassins, it was chartered by "very wealthy, very peristent and very influential" person, so it would, atleast explain why the DBAssassins were so persistant. With MTAssassins, its a different matter. I remember reading in-game somewhere that MT was expensive, it wouldn't make sense that those assassins would be hired repeatedly by the great houses would it?
Any thoughts?
Here are my thoughts on this. Based on my understanding of the Morag Tong, the Morag Tong assassins are hired by individuals within great houses (but not by the great houses themselves as organizations), as a means of settling disputes between individuals that might otherwise escalate into a inter-house war or civil house war. For example, say a Hlaalu noble greatly offends a Redoran lord. If the Redoran lord gathered his men and attacked, it could escalate into an inter-house war. If the Redoran lord challenged the Hlaalu noble to an arena battle, it could end in a blood feud because the loser's family would seek vengeance. However, if the Redoran noble hired the Morag Tong, he could eliminate the noble and keep his identity hidden entirely.
As a result of the above, it makes sense for the player to be hounded by Morag Tong assassins for a long time because there are many individuals in the world who may grow jealous of the player and/or want to take him out for some other reasons. These could even be individuals on the mainland not already implemented by Tamriel Rebuilt.
That being said, the more powerful and famous the player becomes, eventually, the player will reach a point where it would be futile to hire the Morag Tong because no assassin would be able to defeat the player. Consequently, the attacks should initially increase as the player becomes famous but, once the player reaches a very powerful point, the assassinations should become extremely rare (i.e. point of diminishing marginal returns). When they do happen after that point, the assassin should be extremely powerful, perhaps with a special name (i.e. "Hand of Mephala"). Perhaps after the player defeats this super powerful assassin, the attacks stop entirely because it's not longer worth it for the Morag Tong to take the contract.
Anyway, those are just my suggestions.
I think Jasons073 has quite a few good points.
I'll add some more fodder for thought.
From the CS:
So, we know that there's some kind of limit, and even this kind of "small scale wars" can't go on forever.
A time limit of one year, however, is not very useful for us, because that's a LOT of time from us players perspective. So we'll have to think about something else.
A very simple excuse for stopping attacks is logic.
- Morag Tong is, by all accounts, expensive: as a member, you receive 1.000 gold for each execution, which is really a lot of money in vanilla Morrowind. And that's just the payment for you, so we can assume the Tong is paid substantially more than that (I'd say at least double that).
- Second thing, resources are limited. How many assassins the Morag Tong has? And how many of them are highly trained? No faction can lose a dozen member and keep going at it like that was nothing. I mean, skilled assassins don't grow on trees!
- The client who hired the Tong has to value the consequences of their move. Would it be a good idea killing a higly known and respected player (high Reputation)? The Nerevarine? The very Grandmaster (or equivalent) of a faction? Sure, no one will know who hired the assassins... but they'll surely have suspects. Is it really worth it?
So, I'd say you could take all of this into account and work multiple ways in which attacks will stop.
For example:
- If the player kills X assassins (5? 10?).
- If the player kills the most powerful assassin type in your mod.
- If the player has too much fame/political power to be simply killed (head of a few factions, Nerevarine, Reputation above X, etc.).
I'd say all of these could be used together as a way to stop attacks.
You could even consider the chance that the player actually decides to strike back at the Morag Tong, and count as "killed assassins" the NPCs that are members of the faction. Imagine the player entering a Tong hall yelling "so, you want a piece of me?!" and starting a killing spree!
Valid points both and thank you. I'll mark a limit the attacks on number of attacks, or when he killed the strongest assassin.
For now, MTAssassins stop attacking when you become Hortotor. May be I'll expand it to include being Grandmaster of house completely stops it. But thinking about it, Loonies like Trebonius would still target you, so may be decrease the chance of attack after you become Grandmaster.
Also, on a similar note, would the assassins pursue you to Solstheim, espescially the Morag Tong ? I'd think not.
I think we have to separate the "honorable writs of execution" of the Morag Tong from simply hiring someone to go after the poor player's skin.
I mean that MT has a precise code of behaviour, they are hired by House nobles, etc.; Trebonius or others would simply hire some assassin and that's it (in fact, Trebonius quest is given to you as a Mage, not as a Morag Tong).
Or, you may want to incorporate those semi-legal "gray writs" rumored about in the game; they are only mentioned as contracts the MT takes that do not strictly follow traditions... but we do not know much about them. Maybe that's just some of their members secretly "freelancing".
You could expand on the concept and add different kind of "assassins", too.
For example, the Mages Guild could hunt Telvanni with mage NPCs.
Or the Temple send Buoyant Armigers (or even Ordinators) after "blasphemers" (maybe after some Daedric quest? If you are a vampire?).
The Legion may hunt you if your bounty goes to 1.000 or more.
You might even add members of rival Houses that instead of attacking immediately, forcegreet you and challenge you to a duel.
Thinking about it there are lots of possibilities to expand upon, if you fancy it.
updated Assassin Ambush
Now MTAssassins stop after maximum 10 attacks at heatlevel 5.
Downloading, thanks!
By the way, the other day I was thinking that the Camonna Tong could be another good candidate for assassination attempts.
I mean, everyone in the game keep saying how they are dangerous, tough, cruel, mean and yadda yadda yadda... then you hit them time and again (Thieves' Guild, Fighters' Guild, misc. quests) and nothing happens!
Uhm. I'm getting this error when I start a new game ("easy" variant of the .esp): "Unable to find referenced object "db_assassin3_uah" in script "UAH_db_mt_combat".
Oops. Sorry. Uploaded the correct files now. Please Redownload.
Assassin Ambush
agian updated Assassin Ambush
Now there is a small chance Dark Brotherhood assassins spawn dead along while Morag Tong Assassins attack or Vice Versa.
Tried to make them fight each other but 'StartCombat' doesn't seem to work on References placed via 'PlaceAtPC'. So may have to resort to MWSE to accomplish that, but I don't want to, but lets see if there is a workaround.
Why is this happening
So sorry. I left a couple of unused scripts Please Redownload.
updated Weapons Overhaul to v1.1
Now the speed of the weapons are dependent on Weight of the weapon, not just the type.
Hortator Nerevarine Fix
Annoyed that after completeing house/guild quests and leveling high and getting ready to be named Hortator and Nerevarine, only to realise it is completely skipped thanks to your level and reputation being high ? Then, this is the mod for you. This stops those 'concerned people' forcing you to meet the archanon and letting you complete the trials in peace.
Huh, I never actually ran into that. I guess I usually prioritized the main quest over faction quests or something.
When your level is greater than 20 and reputation higher than 50, and get the Azura's ring from the cave, Nibani Maesa and some other 'prominent' NPC's tells you to meet the archcanon to complete the prophecy. So now you could progress the MQ without being named 'Nerevarine' or 'Hortator'. See http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:The_Path_of_the_Incarnate#Bypassing_the_Fourth_and_Fifth_Trials.
This mod changes the condition of those greeting so that they never occur, so now you have to be named 'Nerevarine' and 'Hortator' to progress in MQ.
Good idea, I never understood why they put in this shortcut which effectively removes a quite big part of the MQ.
Yeah, I feel thats one of the best part of the MQ. It felt like you were uniting the land.
Agreed. I would not want to skip that (even if it can be a bit boring after having done it several times). But it's necessary!