Yes... the live action trailer...
Regarding the slung rifle, it wasn't just the live-action trailer, there were a couple of stills on site as well -
Edit: Man, he amount I come back to this thread, even though the matter's been answered and closed, just shows how disappointed I am that this is missing!
That looks like a doctored photo, to me. The dog looks far too real to be game rendered. I need to see an actual screen shot but the fact that none of the gameplay footage shows a holstered weapon speaks volumes.
EDIT: With luck it's a mechanic that they had in, but disabled for some reason and modders will be able to turn it back on.
The point is, every source and video and person who played the game has told us weapon holstering will not be a feature in Fallout 4.
We're passed debating whether or not it's in. We have the answer. We can stop dwelling on that.
Now let's discuss how we feel about it.
no it's not
that is NOT live action
It says it's live action but the TV spot with the same song doesn't look like live action and niether does this to be honest.
Not happy with Beth mixing in live action clips from the trailer in with the 30 sec lone wanderer tv spot.
still no one has commented on the pic from
I suppose this was taken before the feature was removed or this is supposedly live action too right?
Seriously? it's not in game? Horse shhheeeet!
Edit: That was a little harsh. Let me rephrase that.
How convienent!
No argument that it's not in game footage. I think that the point is what is being marketed is not necessarily what is being delivered. It may not be a significant difference, I imagine to most people it is trivial, even imperceptible.
I just got this in my email inbox. Can someone translate this into human?
With everything else I love about what I've seen of the game, this isn't my favorite. But I think I'll live.
There's kind of a split in the fanbase on these sorts of things. Myself, I like to see lots of stuff I've equipped on my character. I like it in games when every single piece of gear shows up on my character (Assassin's Creed 2 always come to mind - when every upgrade you earned was visually represented on your character model.) Others like to at least have a bit more control about their presentation or prefer things to be a bit cleaner.
For example, I'd love to see a procedural system where as your inventory fills up you start to see more packs on your character and larger backpacks, etc. And I'd love to see at least the first couple of hot-keyed weapons attached to the character.
All the same, I really enjoyed the piecemeal armor system in Morrowind and have been waiting quite some time to see that return - I think it's a great fit for a post-apocalyptic RPG where you spend a significant portion of your time scavenging and exploring and using what you find as best you can. If the trade-off for having that mechanic return is that I don't see my weapons holstered, then I think I can live with that.
Sure, given my druthers I think I could live with some clipping issues if it meant seeing my weapon holstered - but my best guess is that's why they went down this road. At some point someone had to make a decision if it was worth it and apparently that's the decision they made. We don't know what happened internally, but I'd be very surprised if it wasn't at least attempted or looked into. I doubt they simply "forgot" or just didn't feel like doing this.
So - oh well. I don't generally use mods in my playthroughs of these games (and I don't generally like the "just mod it" answer for every single criticism that comes up.) But if someone puts out a mod that shows your weapon holstered, I'd probably download it and at least give it a shot. I'm not losing sleep over this or anything, but sure - it's something I'd have preferred.
So, because we know everything that was shown from the Fallout 4 Artbook isn't in game or exactly as it is shown, we should have an issue with it? They made an image of both PCs to just do that, show off both PCs. This isn't Beth making an article about all hotkeyed weapons showing on the PC and then it not being in the game. It's just an image, with not direct correlation to gameplay...
Exactly, I really hope that post launch other posts remain as sanguine as this one, maybe some time in the future they may let us know the reasons. So long as generally people understand that there are always reasons, and are just curious to understand the process or reasoning of decisions, there would be little harm in it I would hope.