Okay it was just confirmed there are no weapon holsters by the potato leaker.
Okay it was just confirmed there are no weapon holsters by the potato leaker.
I came across an AMA on Reddit from a dude who claims to have played it, and he says it works the same as previous games.
I am increasingly of the opinion that the overwhelming majority of people who get games prior to release oftentimes have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
Having said that, I would really, really like FO4 to have holster as it existed in FO3, but I'm not expecting it.
Mods will save us, however.
Wow, if so then I guess I won't be using 3rd person very much,
Well, that is the only "source" i can find that says there are holsters. The overwhelming majority are saying that holstering is missing.
Good work, Bethesda. That's so next gen.
Yeah its possible although unlikely that they will add it via the day 1 patch.
My bet is that the movement speed penalty for having a weapon drawn has been removed for "streamlining."
It looks like we will just have to have our weapons out the whole time to look cool.
Well its going to be hard to pee out in the wasteland if I have to keep my gun equipped the whole time...
There better be weapon holstering...that honestly really svcks if they took that away. Not sure why they would though, since it was in Skyrim? I loved how the one handed swords looked when holstered while you walked around.
Yeah, having the one gun out of the dozens you carried magnetically sealed to your back was so much immershuns.
Ehhh more seeing NPC's pull assault rifles out of their asses for me.
Ill just continuously rip my rifle out of my ass and use my left hand to work the bolt action, shoot someone, then shove it back up my ass. I don't want to see a bunch of unarmed NPCs walking around either, its misleading, especially since you walk into a town, notice nobody has weapons, then figure out everyone hides shotguns up their ass just like you do.
Who walks around a wasteland without any weapons anyway? The reason I like fallout is for atmosphere, not gunplay, Godd knows it never had that.
rather see clipping than no weapons when holstered, oh well guess ill always have my weapon out and if they whine about...ill shoot them in the face!
This is hilarious. I didn't think it could get worse than in Skyrim where your off-hand weapon or staff just appeared out of nowhere. They actually regressed since 2011. Jeez.
To be fair, maybe there are holsters but we just haven't seen it yet? Maybe it's a glitch that will be fixed in a day 1 patch? Bethesda can't be that lazy, right?
I bet the code is still in the game for the weapons to show up when holstered. I'll look forward to the mod that enables it so we can see how it was broken and why Beth decided to cut it. My guess is with all the new weapon mods, the game didn't know where to holster specific combinations.
"Please excuse me while I shove this minigun in the pocket dimension that resides in my ass."
Pretty much confirmed in the control scheme as well. There appears to be no holster button. You can quick change items.. and you can probably assign your fists as a weapon. That'll be the extent of holstering.
Guess we'll just have to role play that the pip boy is a device that can break down and reconstruct objects on a molecular level. It'd sort of make sense.. I mean, while building settlements you're deconstructing piles of tires and entire buildings. How would that even be possible if it weren't for your amazing molecular magic wrist pocket pip boy?
This was not the case with Rune. The PC could have about nine weapons and three shields IRRC. Maces, axes and swords hung from the back or belt, and would be drawn from either locations. (But you only saw one of each at any one time.)