The excuse is starting to wear thing, isn't it?
The excuse is starting to wear thing, isn't it?
Ah ok. I thought i had fallen ona new revelation, but if it's not in, it's not in. I play exclusively in 1st person, and use 3rd as a vanity mode. I remember this bothering me a LOT in Morrowind and was overjoyed when someone added a Katana with a sheath, as well as an changing sheath\unsheath model.
as for clipping... i dunno. In ESO the distance your sword is to your hip changes by armor... was it really that hard? and I was hoping for actual holsters (leather puches to hold the weapons) this time too.
I will dislike facing down a crook, with trash talking going on and when things get ugly, i pull out my 10mm pistol and he pulls out a high-power Plasma LMG with a battery the size of a bear cub. damn.
I know we'll probably never get an answer on exactly why they decided to remove this, but if the reason is due to the addition of layered armour and body shape then it's rather ironic as this change will prompt me to play entirely in first person mode as well.
I'll respond to this by quoting someone from earlier:
"I get that layered armour and customized weapons may cause clipping issues, but honestly I would rather see clipping over pulling weapons from arses. I mean if something is so heavily modded then why not just have that weapon not appear? Why cut all weapons? This doesn't make sense."
This is laziness plain and simple. They actually took a step BACKWARD from Skyrim.
For me, playing in 3rd person breaks the immersion. And if I'm travelling the wastelands, I'm bloody sure I'm going to be carrying a weapon at all times, so holstering doesn't come into it.
Could you link me to this AMA? I can't find it on reddit and everyone in the fallout subreddits are acting like holstering exists and is downvoting anyone who disagrees. It's a MESS over there.
I'm 100% sure that the devs would have loved to include visible holstered weapons. The fact that they didn't means there was a damned good reason they couldn't. You win a few, you lose a few. Grow up, get over it.
I'll miss it, too. Maybe they'll figure out a way to do it eventually.
We've never been able to see everything we were carrying anyway; which would be an even bigger immersion (*sigh*) breaker. Can you imagine?
I play in first-person. I EXIST, as a character, in third-person. Taking pictures, feeling proud of my creations, kneeling on a cliff with my weapon... my weapon built by my hands for my abilities, the sweet report of a suppressed bullet exiting my creation and knocking someones frontal lobe out their skull... and just looking at it on my back or hip. This is highly damaging to my play; more so than anything I've seen. It's the little things that make a Bethesda game.
Holster the damn weapons.
(Lest we forget: Fallout 4 is awesome.)
They just showed art with holstered weapons yesterday so I can't really believe they didn't include that. If it's true, it's very upsetting.
They need to do what I've been P&Ming about on the Elder Scrolls sub-forum, and that is make it so you can only "equip" two, maybe three weapons at a time. You can carry as many as you want, but lets say we map left and right on the d-pad to your weapon selections. You map those hotkeys from the pip-boy, and then those mapped weapons will be the ones that show on your body and will be the ones you can quick swap between on the fly. From that point, they only need a few weapon configurations as I see it. You should have about 6 : pistol/pistol, pistol/rifle, rifle/rifle, pistol/heavy, rifle/heavy, heavy/heavy. Melee weapons, depending upon dimension, can take the place of a pistol slot or a rifle slot.
So, if you use two pistols, your second pistol will be attached to your left or right hip when not in use. If you are using a combo of a rifle and pistol, the rifle is on your back when not in use and the pistol is on your hip when not in use. Two rifles should be strapped to your back in an X pattern when not in use, with one being left in position when you have the other in hand. Two heavy weapons should not show on your back (it would be just a tad too comical) but much like Destiny, the weapon on your back rotates between which weapon is not in use, so in the case of the heavy/heavy and heavy/rifle combos, whichever is not in use appears on your back and when you holster completely whichever was in your hand last goes on your back.
This strikes me as a video game trope that goes back to when we first started seeing fantasy titles developed. It might be hard to prevent clipping, but I think we could all be in agreement that I'd prefer some clipping as opposed to not seeing my weapon at all. Or at least make the feature toggleable if it is so abhorrent. Clipping issues never stopped them with placing this feature in other games anyway, so I'm confused as to why it got the boot.
On a personal appeal note, let me just say this: Please Bethesda, stop brushing the small stuff away. And the things you have removed over the years aren't even small things (attributes in Skyrim, skills in Fallout), but I know you guys keep making games I really enjoy but I don't feel like you are making the best decisions in enriching the experience of playing the game. Easy to get into is great, but being able to pour time into developing your character is just as integral. Guess the bottom line is, I remember reading in an interview, prior to the release of Skyrim, that you guys said you knew the "devil was in the details" and that you were committed to getting the details right. I think that design philosophy is amazing, but it seems to me anymore you cut out the details as opposed to getting them right. I can admire a group that would rather do it right or not at all, but it seems the not at all approach is your default anymore and I think I'd honestly rather see an attempt than nothing. Just my two cents.
Yea, they don't look like actual screenshots. The terrain looks 'painted', and I can't imagine those hand poses/animations being in the game.
Can we make a poll about the weapon holsters? Maybe bethesda will see how many people want weapon holsters back.
This was done in Rune; and it worked very well. They should be well acquainted with Rune, I assume.
Weapon holstering has been in since Morrowind, I'm not buying into any technical challenges preventing it.
I mostly play first-person so its not really that big of an issue for me. But I belive it will be like skyrim (you see the weapon you have equipped as holstered)
Yeah it is bethesda after all, They might not have had time to do it or it wasnt finished in time and will come via a patch. Who knows.
You have to remember that all past games have only had three or four armor sizes. We now have layerable armor that could come in many variable sizes. Some might be saying they would rather deal with the clipping or floating weapons but everyone knows that if that were the case everyone would be here complaining about that. "oh, my god, the weapons are floating like 10 feet from the characters back..blah, blah, blah."
They were already floating in previous games or clipping, that never prevented them before.
Scrap body sizes instead of that!
Polls never help anything around here. Trust me. Not once have I seen a poll lead to changes in a bethesda game. it's not a good point. It really isn't.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas managed this fine with acceptable clipping. If you put on power armor as opposed to a raider outfit your weapons would still be where they were supposed to be, even if the armors were completely different sizes.
I would take weapons floating slightly off of my character if you look closey over pulling a fatman out of my ass anyway, but I guess that's just me.
I remember with the mod for Skyirm, 'Wet and Cold', when you equipped a cloak, the weapon on your back automatically changed it's position, so it didn't clip through the cloak.
That could, of course, be a script extender thing.
What's with the obsession with things being removed from asses in this thread?