"Holy My moment. Had to share!

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:20 am

So this weekend I had a 鈥渉oly [censored]鈥?moment and just had to share.

To set the scene; I鈥檓 level 20 and have clocked up about 12 hours of game-play, so far and I鈥檝e completely avoided the main quest.

I鈥檓 on the PS4, 42鈥?LED TV and a 5.1 Samsung Surround-sound.

A mission for the Minute-Men lead to me to 鈥極utpost Zimonja鈥?鈥?a decent little settlement tucked away in the northern part of the wasteland. My MO was to clear out the raider scum and set up a radio beacon for new settlers. Upon arrival, as expected, there鈥檚 several raiders including one, sporting power armour and armed with an excited laser rifle. After a tactical firefight, whereby I took the high ground, I used ranged weapons and disposed of them in spectacular fashion.

I dispose of the bodies at the bottom of the main footpath as a warning to other potential raiders wishing to move in on my new turf, loot the settlement for anything useful and build the radio beacon. Mission accomplished鈥?

Basking in my glory I decide to get some well-earned rest and take a nap for a few hours鈥︹€?/p>

Around 9pm when I woke, the sky was clear and the sky was a mass of pin-hole stars. As I start out of the settlement I feel a rumbling quickly followed by a growing roar of what I could only describe as jet engines 鈥?. 鈥淲hat is that?鈥?I actually said out loud while excitedly scanning my surroundings鈥?

This sound was different to anything I鈥檇 heard before, different to the distant explosions and gun clatter you often hear when wandering the built up areas. This was something new altogether鈥?

Before my thoughts could even begin to rationally explore what this could be, the deafening roar and rumbles peaked and an object breach over the mountains from the north heading south鈥︹€?/p>

Whoooooooossshhhhhhh鈥?. Overhead, at tremendous speed, an object leaving a thick arid smoke trail cut through the night sky like a meteor鈥? Mouth gaping open, I watched the object continue on its path into the distance. The rumbling subsided. As quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. I stood in silence for a minute or 2, gazing at the dissipating smoke in the sky and then, in the distance I hear the thud of ground impact鈥?.

I continue to stand there in silence, staring into the distance, my thoughts racing. What鈥檚 just happened? What could it be? I weigh up my inventory. Do I have the necessary supplies to head south and investigate what just happened? How far was it? Have I even seen the part of the map where the impact could possibly be?

After some careful consideration while suppressing my excitement, I decide that now is not the time to pull at that thread鈥?. I open up my pip boy, add a marker to where I predict the impact site might be and head back to Sanctuary Hills鈥? It鈥檚 time to gather as many supplies as I can then go on the hunt for the impact site鈥?/p>

Bravo Bethesda, Bravo鈥?. I actually love this game.

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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:03 pm

My moment was another minute man quest. Level 9, just plodding along in a forest, when I stumble across a deathclaw. I quickly start to run away, with my ap fully exhausted, I come across a road, with a massive car pileup. I think to myself that's a perfect place to lose that deathclaw! Then a hostile Mr. Gutsy appears from behind one car. I swerve and try and hide behind a truck. Then an Assaultron emerges to join the Gutsy.

About that time, I figure I am dead meat. But the Deathclaw never gave up chasing me, and starts a fight with the robots. It kills the Gutsy, and damages the Assaultron. I emerge from my hiding spot, and fire my trusty Combat shotgun over 20 times into the assaultrons back. I then loot everything and walk away whistling.

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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:55 pm

Dude! Visitors!

That dish in your butt must have malfunctioned!


i loved that one moment when i was able to resolve a failed Persuasion check by killing my allies in order to side with the guy who i failed the check against.. he even thanked me for siding with him..

actions speak better than words! it was nice to be able to do this in a game.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:14 pm

I heard what I assume is the same thing over the weekend, unfortunatly the game ran this event while I was inside with no windows pointing in the right direction so I couldn't *see* a thing!

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Elena Alina
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:23 pm

I snuck up on the raider leader at zimonja and stole the fusion core out of his power armor, forcing him to leave it for me :D
still looking for that crash site, happened to me too.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:30 pm

When I cleared those raiders from Zimonja, that guy in the power armour fired a Fat Man at me. Luckily he missed, and only had the one Mini Nuke.

The fly-over can be seen anywhere as a random event, but the crash always ends up in the same place. I saw it from my Red Rocket home base.

Make sure you have a good search around when you find the impact site.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:53 am

I had one of those moments last night.

I'd been fighting some particularly tough feral ghouls in a building, and they were bad enough they could nearly one-shot me with a power attack. Anyway, the place was cleared, and I stopped to check a cola machine. When I turned back around, my screen (and it's a big one) was filled almost entirely with the face of a feral ghoul about a foot away, with just enough left over room that I could see one arm was stretched back to give me a marvelous slap upside the head. In RL I must have jumped six inches out of my chair. Fortunately, when I came down I was spamming the trigger for "Righteous Authority".... I guess the building wasn't quite as cleared as I thought, eh? :)

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:47 am

Heh, my oh crap moment was in a tower full of raiders. I was making my way down to the basemant picking off raiders one by one. I get to just above the basemant level and there's no walkway down near me so I just hop down over the edge. I wander around for a second or two then I hear a thud...thud...thud... I'm thinking crap, what now. Turn around and see a deathclaw walking around behind me. I fly around the nearest corner and lay some cryo mines behind me. They did jack all to it but I was in stealth mode so he was just looking for me. I manage to sneak around the rooms to get some space between us and then I launched a pair of mininukes at it. Glorious Atom divided my foe.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:09 am

Hah! I know exactly where you were - I was about level 5 when I was there and didn't have a hope of defeating it! Thankfully I had a StealthBoy so I had to just wuss-out and slowly make my way to the exit while hoping it wouldn't follow me through the door.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:11 am

Mine was walking along the beach and having a mirelurk queen decide to give me a hug. Now being a little bit on the xenophobic side, I was disinclined to allow that so she got offended right quick and started in with her geysers of death. Not to be outdone, I opened fire on her. She was more effective,. Way more effective. So the running gun battle started with me sprinting to retreat a little bit, engage, sprint, reload, engage, and so on. Eventually we tumbled into some raider base where they were running robots around a dog or horse track. The raiders and the robots took exception to the party crashers and opened up on both of us. The mirelurk queen quickly dispatched of the lesser robots while the Assaultron and raiders decided that I needed to be a little more ventilated. Obviously I looked warm after all that running. Anyway, I finally take out the cyclops of death and am scoping in on a named character in a building when those lovely geysers of death pop up all around me. I swing to my left and behold, there is the mirelurk queen still sore at my recent rebuff. That and she's attracted the named raider from inside and he is sniping both of us. I popped some Buffjet, hit my last Stimpack and threw every one of my remaining frag grenades. It was the exploding car that finally steamed that old crab. I took out the Raider guy inside of the racetrack offices, though not before he whittled my health down to roughly 5%. At least I still had some Muttchops...

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:52 pm

Hmm, I found an oddly shaped air vehicle crashed and in flames in the NW. I jumped all around it but did not see any signs of life.

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Emmie Cate
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:29 pm

U might notice some green slick-ish stuff around. Follow the trail. ;p

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:58 pm

I had two of those moments that I remember really good. The first, (which was my second encounter with a deathclaw) down in some kind of underground basemant. I was walking into a way that looked like a cave, and when I get to the end the Deathclaw ambushed me from a big hole above me. After some stealthy tactical placement of mines and belly-shots I managed to take it down.

The other incident was in a place (north-east) that made me jump several times. I was surprised how nervous the game made me, it felt like I was playing fallout horror edition or something. Of course you can get jump scared by a ghoul or molerats, but this experience was really something else... I don't want to spoil it for you ;)

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:48 pm

I cleared that out in my travels around level 16...hope that doesn't bug the quest you speak of.

I had an intense fight there as amongst the raiders was a Boomer packing a fat man. I haven't seen one before or since but it was so epic pulling off the final shot in the cinematic VATS with my bullet whizzing past his mini nuke in slow mo. How that mini nuke hit the wall near me and didn't kill me still baffles me.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:44 pm

I know that place--it's a sinkhole where I killed my first two deathclaws in the wild (not counting the scripted one in Concord). I was just wandering around up top when I saw a deathclaw in the middle of the street, quite close to me. no power armour, and about level 12. That was a really close fight--a grenade and an exploding car helped weaken it, but then it got me in it's grip. I thought I was done, but I spammed a stimpack while it was hoisting me in the air, and I survived the special attack. I switched to my special shotgun (Justice) and blasted shells into it until it went down.

The second deathclaw was hiding down in the sinkhole, but I managed to cheese it from a spot where he couldn't reach me, so that was a bit of a cheap kill.

My Oh [censored] moment last night was exiting a building and coming under fire from an angry Sentry Bot. Man, those guys are tough and fast, and you don't want to be close to them when they die!

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:22 am

My favorite moment was rigging the robots at the track to self destruct. What a mess afterwards!

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:39 am

For one, lvl 20 in 12 Hrs!?! I'm lvl 23 and have clocked like 40 hrs.

Also, without a spoiler, look for that crash site NOW! The reward is epic. The event you saw was triggered by completing specific quests. If you have trouble finding the crash site, look online. While the spectical you saw can be triggered anywhere on the map, the crash site is always in the same place, and can be tricky to find. One tip, look for the green splotches

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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:36 pm

Yeah, I found that surprising as well. I'm level 22 at about 54 hours of play.

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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:21 pm

Is there a way of confirming total game time within the menus? The only substantial play I've had was this weekend and I was on the PS4 for 8 hours straight. The only times before that was an hour here or there. I could be completely wrong with my estimates.

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Nicole M
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:11 am

When you save the game on the PS4, part of the file name will be along the lines of "2days_5hours_23minutes". As far as I know that's the only way...

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Steve Fallon
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:03 pm

So there I was, doing some investigating for the Cabots near the Insane Asylum when I happen to notice the house blimp on my Pip-boy. Stealthily, I creep over and note a giant well lit tower with a small camp nearby. I check the camp and no one seems to be home. Awesome. I loot up what I need and head to the tower. It did seem a bit too quiet, but hey easy area is easy. As I get to the top of the tower I being to hear the scream and ranting of Raiders. I look down from my perch and see loads of raiders heading to the tower. Strong is trying to hold them off as I pick them off from the tower vantage point. Soon Strong is overrun and couple raiders try to get me as well. They failed, to their surprise. With the coast clear I start checking out the tower.

At the top I notice a switch, thinking it is only the light switch I give it a flip. Oh my god, the deafening siren starts to blare. Quickly I scan for more Raiders, but none show. I turn off the annoying sound thinking that would have been kinda awesome for the raiders to have as a warning, if there sentry was actually doing his/her job.

My son (IRL) sees something moving in the distance and it is glowing. Too far to tell, but kinda looks like another of those glowing 2-headed deer. I take out the trusty Sniper rifle of deer killing and wait. Once it gets into range I see not a deer but a Glowing Deathclaw. I figure he can't climb the tower and Strong should keep it busy outside, I open fire. After a few minutes of the deathclaw playing hide and seek with me (he was using the buildings for cover), he finally stayed out in the open for me to get that final kill.

I head down to get my Glowing Deathclaw Trophy when I hear a loud sound to my left. As I turn and before I could bring up my gun, a normal and apparently extremely stealthy Deathclaw picks me up and angrily voices his opinion of me killing his friend before jabbing the wicked looking index finger into my heart.

My son still messes with me about it.

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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:05 pm

my first moment... when i ran into the children of atom... their gamma guns hurt.. ALOT.

my second moment.. when i ran into a fat glowing one feral (bloated glowing one) and it was surrounded by extremely powerful charred feral ghouls that caused like 50 rads/sec just standing by them.
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:54 am

There have been a couple for me.....

Swan's Pond. I was just looking at it and then, all of a sudden......Yep!

A side quest that brought me into the company of The Children of Atom....I was like, OMG those hurt!!! THAT was just yesterday at level 44.

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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:10 pm

On PC, Steam tells you the total time the game has been running. not sure if the PS4 does something similar (although I think someone said that the Xbox1 does).

Yeah, the save file indicates the duration of your saved progress. This doesn't tell you how long you've actually played if you die and/or reload a lot.

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Chris BEvan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:58 pm

Jeez I wish I was as quick as you lot, I normally just panic, spend all my ammo in my current weapon, then frantically try to use anything to heal myself..... Then die while running backwards...
Still love these moments and am learning slowly, but love it anyway 馃榾
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