But...which one's the butch? :huh:
Wouldnt' that be the one with the buzz cut and the blacksmith's pants and shirt?
Oh....... wait a minute.........
*Edited partly because I fear the wrath of Punk (really-- I was just funnin' and I hope the above couldn't be offensive to anyone) and partly because I thought of something to add to something I mentioned earlier:
I still wonder about Shum gro-Yarug. He just seems
way too enthusiastically friendly for an Orc, and that whole "Orc Social Club" thing just makes me think of a New York City bathhouse. And I got to wondering-- maybe he's unhappily in the closet, has an unrequited love for Graklak gro-Buglump, and that's why he throws himself off the bridge to the castle?
Or..... uh....... maybe not.