This thread is NOT for people who want to insult other people. If you have differing beliefs, please be advlt about it or do NOT post in this thread, or else it will be locked (either at my request, or when the moderators notice your posts).
This thread is for intelligent discussion of the presence of Homosixuality in the Elder Scrolls universe, specifically TES IV: Oblivion.
Under no circumstances can anyone insult or attack any person, real or NPC, involved in this thread.
Anyway, on to the discussion.
I've never really noticed any presence of homosixuality, implied or otherwise, in the Elder Scrolls universe until I happened across a Journal of one of the characters.
Viranus Donton, in his journal, talks about his close relationship with Eduard Hodge, who he'd been spending a large amount of time with and becoming very fond of. Here are some quotes from the Journal (careful not to include spoilers).
"Thank the gods for Eduard. I fear without him I would go mad. His constant companionship keeps me hopeful [for the future]. Until then, we have each other. He has willingly forgone [well-paying jobs] in order to help me pass the days. A truer companion I could not imagine."
"I fear he is as na?ve as he is beautiful."
Being that I've been playing Oblivion almost since it came out and I'd never noticed this (I still find new things on a regular basis, actually... what a great game!

Homosixuality is gaining a larger and larger place in our society today (though it has always been there, it is becoming more open in the recent years) and I am curious to see what kind of presence it has in Cyrodiil.
A Note to Moderators: I sincerely hope that you will leave this thread open for discussion, as controversial as it may be, and only close it if someone decides to make immature and ignorant posts. Though if this would be more appropriate in Cheats, Hints, & Spoilers, please move it there. Thanks!