Be Honest, be Free...Repentance package...

Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:59 pm

and u who wid wipe his ass wif 10 bucks good 4 u mateThe only problem now is the servers and lack of players, not because "Crytek svck" but because haters/trolls are coming on forums like this trying anything they can to warn people off buying it and trying to make out crytek as evil or some ****..

or because some of us cant buy it due to the problems with the payment page on this site...
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:22 am

or because some of us cant buy it due to the problems with the payment page on this site...

I agree that is a bit of a letdown, I would of rather paid by paypal myself but luckily I got a card.

I'd do a petition/poll to get them to use paypal or something if I were you.

That doesn't mean the dlc isn't worth it though.
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anna ley
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:33 am

Anyway I wouldn't pay for something that was already done before release and then withdrawn in order to sell it later.

So in this case, there is no extra effort done by this company and therefore it doesn't deserve money for it since there is not any work done after purchase.

0 hour work at even 20€/hour= 0€

What's the next step ? Paying for working servers with pingmeters fixed ?

Really Crytek, only kids or fanboys people would buy it cause they have no sense of money value. But you Crytek, you have it, don't you ?
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:43 pm

i find the the new maps very refreshing after playing none stop skyline evac statue and the rest, it got to be very repetitive knowing snipers and campers positions. these new maps are quite big and offer some really good game play. thats my 10cents worth, i think the game is quite good and will only improve when they fix these bugs, myself i have not really had any problems, only the unlocks having to redo them when i first load the game.

If you live in desert, the drink of fresh water too will freshen you.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:40 pm

and u who wid wipe his ass wif 10 bucks good 4 u mate
This isn't 10 bucks problem i think...but y probably wipe yourself after all ~_~ Nobody not tell y that i won't buy anything...perhaps i'm too want new maps...but how fair to me buy maps from single player revised to multi? CoD BO have better map base, and different map packs, that would i pay for ;D...or mb no...

They're not just ripped maps from the SP, they are themed maps on the SP but not the same. The only one that looks close is compound, the others are all different.

To me people on here are blowing it all out of proportion, using their bad experience with the standard game (which some might not even be anything to do with the game and more with their ISP's) as an excuse to warn people off the maps.

To put it simply to people who can play this game OK:- THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE DLC MAPS!!

If you can play this game ok without major problems your experience is going to be exactly the same with the maps.

The maps are better than the standard ones so IMO it is worth the purchase if you're sick to death of skyline or wall street.

The only problem now is the servers and lack of players, not because "Crytek svck" but because haters/trolls are coming on forums like this trying anything they can to warn people off buying it and trying to make out crytek as evil or some ****.

A bit ironic that they're moaning about Crytek giving us a lousy experience yet they are trying to ruin ours just to prove a point.

True words.
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Jason White
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:52 am

The only problem now is the servers and lack of players, not because "Crytek svck" but because haters/trolls are coming on forums like this trying anything they can to warn people off buying it and trying to make out crytek as evil or some ****.

A bit ironic that they're moaning about Crytek giving us a lousy experience yet they are trying to ruin ours just to prove a point.

That's funny because when people complain about the game, crytek defensors tell them they are only a minority that doesn't reflect the playerbase, and that playerbase for the most doesn't read these forums.

Since you bought the dlc and find not too many people on it, you blame the few whinners to be the cause of it, and that they're overwhelming the forum and are expanding like a pandemy.

So ,either the majority of players is the reflect of the few on this forum, or the minority of forumers is contaminating the players worldwide.

Don't know...
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:48 pm

ill wait a offer on steam =P
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:17 pm

Sorry Crytek. I was proud that Crytek is the First german Game studio that made the best game in world. But Crysis 2 is just a Better COD.

The DLC should be free after the problems with C2.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:29 am

The only problem now is the servers and lack of players, not because "Crytek svck" but because haters/trolls are coming on forums like this trying anything they can to warn people off buying it and trying to make out crytek as evil or some ****.

A bit ironic that they're moaning about Crytek giving us a lousy experience yet they are trying to ruin ours just to prove a point.

That's funny because when people complain about the game, crytek defensors tell them they are only a minority that doesn't reflect the playerbase, and that playerbase for the most doesn't read these forums.

Since you bought the dlc and find not too many people on it, you blame the few whinners to be the cause of it, and that they're overwhelming the forum and are expanding like a pandemy.

So ,either the majority of players is the reflect of the few on this forum, or the minority of forumers is contaminating the players worldwide.

Don't know...

All I'm saying is all the negativity towards DLC isn't doing a lot of good for the players who might still deciding, when they come on a forum and see all the crying that pretty much makes the decision for them, even though all the idiots crying about the DLC haven't even bought it because of some old ideology that PC DLC should be free and Crytek owes them something.

Truth is nothing's for free in this world, this is a paid add on pack despite how much crying these kids are doing, for example you don't walk into a shop, buy a packet of cigarettes then start crying because they didn't give you the lighter for free?

All I'm saying is to anyone who's deciding, look past the whining on here and go check some video clips of gameplay of the different maps. Decide yourself whether you want to try some new maps or carry on playing the old ones. Don't let anyone or anything (i.e. all this forum talk) influence your decision.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:10 am

no way pay ten dollars for this oldschool maps! that sick! SOOOO SICK!
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candice keenan
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:11 am

Considering these maps were in the leaked version of the game(ie already finished BEFORE THE GAME SHIPPED) they should have been on the DVD that I used to install the game, or should be free.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:01 pm

Yes 10 dollars IN FREAKING USA maybe its 10€ in europe.I will personally rather wait for SDK and Editor and play comunity made MP maps.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:06 am

Honest opinion from a DLC owner: It is fine so yes go and buy it if you want.

The trolls and haters on this forum will probably try to make it seem that this is a disaster don't listen to them, despite the teething problems of getting these maps installed I'm actually glad I bought them in the end as they are a lot better designed than the standard maps, nice open spaces in transit for instance.

The only problem now is that the haters are trying to put everyone off buying it. At the end of the day it should be their loss not yours.

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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:38 am

The first DLC should have been free for PC. Anyhow knowing me I still got svckered into buying the map. The maps are great no complaints about that.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:24 pm

You know it costs money to do patches for the game, develop new software tools for the editor oh yea i forgot.. dx11 costs money too. Thus dlc costing money. Who cares. Why complain about it? Everything comes with a price and just pay for it. Not that even bad for 10 bucks for just 4 maps. It seems fair enough. $9.99 is NOTHING.

I understand Pc needs free DLC and consoles should be charged but hey everything is done equally so we're getting charged too anyways because they need the money to develop better improvements for the game. You do know it costs them money to re-build things for the game?

Piracy also is hurting sales everywhere because they simply think everything is free when people worked so hard on this game or whatever and they get paid for their sweat on their brow to complete a game for the customers. You need to put your foot in the door and realize not everything can be free.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:32 pm

Look... console and PC ARE different WHy? How Many time can you instal your Crysis 2 to your PC?? and how many time you can swap your disk with your console disk??? You should know when you want people to pay, you need to change their experience so they will pay, like you ride on a roller coaster, do you think I will ride on it or even pay for it if it doesn't move with fast speed? When I play on these maps does it change Crysis 2 gaming experience? no... it's different if it's an RPG DLC which includes new chapter / even improvement... ~~ there's no improvement in this DLC,. ~~
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Amy Smith
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:13 am

If you pay for anything else for this game besides the game itself(even the game) you are getting buttf**ked by Ea and Crytek..Now im not down with DLC on PC being Pay especially on a game where they say with there broken promises and lies that theyll be releasing sandbox 3..SO why the hell would we pay for maps on 1.A broke ass game 2.A "PC" game That Crytek says is gonna have the editor by summer time so peopel are going to be making whole new games(if there not lying). 3. a company who soldout with the biggest money hungry gaming publisher!EA..For there console stardom! 4.A game with barely any player base ,**** cod4 has more players and servers!( i hate all COD's except 4 :))5.Cause Crytek doesnt give a **** about you(us) the PC community!! if you paid for the DLC you must have just bought a new pc and switched from consoles not knowing that PC content Is supposed to BE FREEEEE!!!!! SCREW YOU CRYTEK YOU ARE JUST RUNNING YOUR NAME INTO THE GROUND!!!! I am So Furious with this company i will never i repeat never buy another product from these morons ever again..Let me give you examples!!!

Brink - Splash Damage/Bethesda: First DLC is FREE!! Because the game shipped with some minor bugs and they love there PC community!!!Also fixed there bugs within the first 4 days!!!! Advanced Graphics Options Beautiful Direct x 10 graphics/DX11..Dedicated Servers and Support!!!

The Witcher 2 - CDPROJEKT/ATARI: Didnt even release there game on Consoles cause they knew it would piss off there "PC" yeah "PC community"!! ALL DLC IS FREE!!! Support is **** amazing!!!Free DLC on the first day of release!!! Gazillion Graphics options/DX11 Support from the start!

Portal 2 - Valve: What more can i say its Valve and they Love there PC friends!!!

Crysis 2 - Crytek/EA: Horrible Horrible PC support!!!!Charging for DLC on there broken game..and still continue to not fix anything or even attempt to try anymore after 2 months of games release!! NO DX11 Support on release...NO sandbox Editor...No Advanced Graphics options on a PC GAME!!!! Console Was locked from beginning..etc etc etc .....

you really should check and see who made you who you are today Crytek cause if it wasnt for your PC community youd BE NOTHING YOU PRICKS!!!
this whole thing disgusts me and ill never play your POS game ever again nor give you any money i hope all Pc owners Pirate every single last game from you..ITs gonna take you a whole lot of convincing me with cool sstuff and fixes for me to trust you again..

Fanboys and Trolls take it away......
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:54 am

You know it costs money to do patches for the game, develop new software tools for the editor oh yea i forgot.. dx11 costs money too. Thus dlc costing money. Who cares. Why complain about it? Everything comes with a price and just pay for it. Not that even bad for 10 bucks for just 4 maps. It seems fair enough. $9.99 is NOTHING.

I also know it costs a lot money to buy a game that is supposed to be with at least not-so-serious bugs. If it costs to do patches why not do it right at first place? They should be fixing bugs not pushing out a 10 bucks map DLC...

Buying the DLC now is encouraging them doing the same thing to rip off consumers.

Yeah 10 bucks is nothing, but I would rather donate the 10 bucks to Japan disaster relive fund
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:45 am

Crytek is breaking their confidence by themselves.
Crytek took 8 years to make it. They destroyed it in two months.

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helen buchan
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:53 am

Traditionally, the PC gets at least one free DLC that isn't free on other platforms. This is the case with Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock 2, etc. That being said, I'd be willing to buy the DLC if it were $5 or less. Crytek is ripping us off. It's not like the game itself was worth $60 to begin with (though the gameplay is top-notch), and as of patch 1.4 there are still plenty of bugs and lack of support for certain hardware. FYI, I was a huge fan of Crytek before they released Crysis 2--I even bought the Nano Edition. Now, I still think Crysis is awesome, but Crytek ain't unless they treat us better.
Just imagine what Jacob Hargreaves or Tara Strickland would say to Crytek...
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:48 pm

maps are great, huge, definitely worth it, have heard zero crap from people that have bought them, let me say it again, these maps are huge, they make all the other maps feel like closets, am surprised how backwards some of you are, this translates to paying $2.50 per map, you couldn't pay me $20 to design one map of this magnitude on the editor, everyone else that cries over $10 is either an idiot, or broke, or maybe just a broke idiot.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:19 pm

i would gladly purchase the new dlc content only "IF the game is less bugged(orbital strike lag=free kill), cheaters(cloak hack, flying people, aimbot, top 250 players with millions kills in a day?), glitches like not having your unlocks, dog tags and exp saved??" hey WTH!! Now they release this 10$ dlc map pack with tweaked 3/4 maps from SP? come on crytek? You should've waited at least before releasing this ****! Cant even install it properly for some. It really is a bad time!!

Fix the game first.. I still play crysis 2 Because its my first non-pirated game... and I like the gameplay..

So cheers, and have a nice day..
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:34 am

Traditionally, the PC gets at least one free DLC that isn't free on other platforms. This is the case with Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock 2, etc. That being said, I'd be willing to buy the DLC if it were $5 or less. Crytek is ripping us off. It's not like the game itself was worth $60 to begin with (though the gameplay is top-notch), and as of patch 1.4 there are still plenty of bugs and lack of support for certain hardware. FYI, I was a huge fan of Crytek before they released Crysis 2--I even bought the Nano Edition. Now, I still think Crysis is awesome, but Crytek ain't unless they treat us better.
Just imagine what Jacob Hargreaves or Tara Strickland would say to Crytek...

Go **** yourself EA Cry for your stupidity and dying game...i buy BRINK where dev's are more loyal to the end users...**** this...your it on your own...but i see what i see...look at the people saying...try hear it...and i am forget about to play crysis 2...

It is devil's shop! And I prefer to buy a new product for the same money, rather than to buy a patch to not taken place project. Teach this...Nobody says that so should be for all...But this my decision...

Anyway good luck and a lot of experience to all who buying this maps...I hope you won't feel disappointment that money in vain has spent...
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:22 am

You think I'm going to give them 10 more **** dollars when the Multi GPU flicker I've had since day 1 , almost 2 months later is still going strong?


Ban my ass, I'm done with this game and this company.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:32 am

in Crysis 2 is already tired of playing for a lot of bugs, too many cheaters
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