If you pay for anything else for this game besides the game itself(even the game) you are getting buttf**ked by Ea and Crytek..Now im not down with DLC on PC being Pay especially on a game where they say with there broken promises and lies that theyll be releasing sandbox 3..SO why the hell would we pay for maps on 1.A broke ass game 2.A "PC" game That Crytek says is gonna have the editor by summer time so peopel are going to be making whole new games(if there not lying). 3. a company who soldout with the biggest money hungry gaming publisher!EA..For there console stardom! 4.A game with barely any player base ,**** cod4 has more players and servers!( i hate all COD's except 4

)5.Cause Crytek doesnt give a **** about you(us) the PC community!! if you paid for the DLC you must have just bought a new pc and switched from consoles not knowing that PC content Is supposed to BE FREEEEE!!!!! SCREW YOU CRYTEK YOU ARE JUST RUNNING YOUR NAME INTO THE GROUND!!!! I am So Furious with this company i will never i repeat never buy another product from these morons ever again..Let me give you examples!!!
Brink - Splash Damage/Bethesda: First DLC is FREE!! Because the game shipped with some minor bugs and they love there PC community!!!Also fixed there bugs within the first 4 days!!!! Advanced Graphics Options Beautiful Direct x 10 graphics/DX11..Dedicated Servers and Support!!!
The Witcher 2 - CDPROJEKT/ATARI: Didnt even release there game on Consoles cause they knew it would piss off there "PC" yeah "PC community"!! ALL DLC IS FREE!!! Support is **** amazing!!!Free DLC on the first day of release!!! Gazillion Graphics options/DX11 Support from the start!
Portal 2 - Valve: What more can i say its Valve and they Love there PC friends!!!
Crysis 2 - Crytek/EA: Horrible Horrible PC support!!!!Charging for DLC on there broken game..and still continue to not fix anything or even attempt to try anymore after 2 months of games release!! NO DX11 Support on release...NO sandbox Editor...No Advanced Graphics options on a PC GAME!!!! Console Was locked from beginning..etc etc etc .....
you really should check and see who made you who you are today Crytek cause if it wasnt for your PC community youd BE NOTHING YOU PRICKS!!!
this whole thing disgusts me and ill never play your POS game ever again nor give you any money i hope all Pc owners Pirate every single last game from you..ITs gonna take you a whole lot of convincing me with cool sstuff and fixes for me to trust you again..
Fanboys and Trolls take it away......