I haven't bothered to read this yet and I can tell by the length that your taking what I said a little too personally.
What I'm saying, is that while we were still in the speculation stage, keeping all the speculation in one proper thread was the right idea.
But now that we've moved past that, now that we are at the point where we are receiving official news, I think it's silly to shove all the new stuff in one thread once it starts coming on.
DLC General Discussion after all, is the entire purpose of this sub-forum.
Are you really saying that once official images or the official trailer comes out that it should all be thrown in this thread?
As long as topics are different enough, and aren't merely fueled by speculation, then it defeats the purpose of this sub-forum in general.
DLC is what people are supposed to be talking about.
If we wanted everything in one thread, then they should get rid of people's abilities to start new threads, and just create one big massive one.
When there's a trailer it of course needs it's own thread as do a magazine article
if it's big enough to generate a lot of discussion.
All other minor or moderate info should be collected in one place. (The big magazine articles and trailers will be collected in this one as well while still having their own threads.)
And there are tons of things to discuss in this forum without having tons of threads for each piece of information.
Sierra Madre
Dispensers, are they too high tech for Fallout?
Dead Money is too hard.
Dead Money is annoying.
Dead Money pro's and con's.
+level cap.
DLC suggestions.
The Divide.
The Big Empty.
Courier Six.
Daughters Of Hecate.
Tibbet Prison.
Legion DLC.
Expanding wasteland.
Make the wasteland more alive. (Random encounters or scaled leveling or other.)
New weapons.
New armors.
New perks.
New crafting.
Battle of the Divide.
Courier/Ulysses relationship.
There are a lot of things one can discuss in this forum, just cause all minor or moderate new info of DLC's is stuffed in here does not mean that there isn't anything else to discuss.
But again, yes a trailer needs it's own thread.
Yes, a magazine article with tons of new info needs it's own thread.
Anything else does not warrant it's own threads.