Honest Hearts problem - Can't even begin the first quest..

Post » Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:19 am

So, I just bought Honest Hearts, and I basically went straight away over to the Northern Passage with me I had Boone, but before I entered the cave I saved over my previous main save, since I did not know if I would be transfered to a new area straight away.

But when I enter the cave and talk to Jed Masterson and I tell him Im ready to leave, he says that they only have one spot left in the caravan. So I go over to boone and tell him to go home to Novac. Then I talk to Jed Masterson again, the only conversation option I get is something like "We are both set to leave" or something, like the game still "thinks" boone is with me even though he aint. So now I can't even begin to play the DLC.

And since I saved before I entered the first time, there are no other saves to choose from..

I tried to delete the entire DLC and then redownload it, it did not work. I tried to fast travel away to another town before entering the northern passage cave and there tell boone to leave and fast travel back to the cave and talk to Jed and see if it works. But no luck here either.

So, what the hell do I do? 15 bucks down the drain feels pretty awful.........

I hope there Is someway of fixing this, either get it to WORK or a refund for my points.

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Kat Lehmann
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