» Thu May 19, 2011 4:13 pm
I dont understand what people arent getting.... WE DONT WANT MORROWIND AGAIN
What we want is a game that is completly imersive like morrowind. Oblivion was very lacking in this dept. I will attempt to explain why
wepaons and armor- with morrowinds expansive amount of armor types and weapon types, not only dose it give you more variety but it also shows different cultures. It shows how different types of cultures used what they had to shape armor shields and weapons. Oblivion lacked this
Lore- now this is where i felt really disappointed by Oblivion. In morrowind there is book after book after book that explains all of the races, provinces, ect oblivion had half of that
quest markers- these are disliked because it just hands you locations, in morrowind we had to read and guess. Sometimes this would lead to some aimless wondering and questing [altoghut there was a travel system]
Graphics and ai- this is a moot point because for morrowinds time its graphics and ai were pretty good.
LEVEL SCALING!!!!!- this is by far the worst thing they did to the game. If i want to dungeon dvie at a low level so be it. if i get lucky enough or fight well enough to defeat higher level enemies i should be able to get that powerful weapon/ armor
Mainstream gaming- the reason it gets knocked is because and 15-16 yo is intellegent enough to play morrowind, but oblivion can be played by a 10 yo child [i have seen this happen]. Most of us think thats crap as this game is rated m that means they arent supposed to be playing it anyway so why make it for them
NOW ON TO SKYRIM BEING ITS OWN GAME [you have no idea how annoying it is to hear this a million times]
This is a blanket stement, these type of "feel-good" statements are truly pointless
Would yo honestly be happy if skyrim had ak-47s and m-16s?
what if it was now a fps? or even a puzzle game?
Any company with a sucessful product is smart enough to research what was liked about past. Now Morrowind was a big sucess, and Oblivion would be considered a test game, because it was the first on a new platform and it was also rushed [they only had 6 mos with the hardware]. Now seeing as oblivion was a sucess bethesda is left a quite a fork in the road. They can make a game more like oblivion and please the masses, go towards morrowind and please their core fans or try and please bothm but more than likely dissapoint both in doing this.