Suggestion: limit the "my SPECIAL" stats to include only the amount of points you can use in the beginning of the game, to add some balance.
I thought we were all doing that. :cryvaultboy:
My stats again before I explain them:
S - 2
P - 5
E - 6
C - 8
I - 8
A - 5
L - 6
2 STR because I'm not particularly strong, upper-body wise. To top it off, I have one leg, and trust me, you may be able to lift 50 lbs with muscle alone, but if you've only got half the lower-body support you would have if you had two legs or if you were simply sitting down, it feels more like you can only lift 25 lbs.
Perception 5 because I don't consider myself particularly perceptive or not. I notice things others do not and friends say I have good eyes, but I don't have exceptional vision, am slightly colorblind (only very very slightly) and there's nothing special about my hearing either.
Endurance 6 because while I don't get the crap beaten out of me every day or something, I HAVE had a lot of surgery. And I'm allergic to morphine. You'd be amazed how dramatically your pain tolerance increases if you spend 6 months in 3-4 months in absolute pain.
Charisma 8 cause I'm a [censored] pimp
Intelligence 8 because I'm a [censored] Einstein
Agility 5 because while I am VERY good with my hands (I've actually picked a few pockets in real life (nothing criminal though. Long story...) and picked a few locks (this I just did because I wanted to see if I could)), I'm obviously kind of limited with how agile I am with my lower body.
Luck 6 just because my luck tends to go from EXTREMELY good to EXTREMELY bad; never the middle. Overall though, I would consider myself lucky that I get the extremely good luck every so often, because extremely good/bad luck opens up way more opportunities and possibilities than no good/bad luck at all.
Never fired a firearm in my life, so that'd be new to me, though I'm sure I could handle a basic pistol or low-caliber rifle. I have been in a couple fist fights and friends/aquiantances experienced with martial arts/boxing have told me I'm surprisingly knowledgeable and decent in fist fights despite never having a martial arts lesson in my life. I could definitely talk my way through most of the problems in the Mojave. I'm not an idiot; I'll play along with the Legion, the BoS, the Khans; you name it. I know how to say just the right thing to get the other side to trust me. As I said, I am allergic to morphine, so no Med-X for me, nor would I want to take any of the drugs. (even Turbo...

) I would definitely be a House supporter (wtf if you help that dude, you're set for life! It's a freaking wasteland out there) and I think I could handle running all his missions, the biggest issue would be contacting the Boomers. Would definitely take me a while to get the courage up to run through that artillery fire, but I think that's the case with everyone. I MIGHT do it considering how harsh the wasteland is and how sure-fire a life of luxury is if you help Mr. House. I don't think I would do any of the actions neccesary to obtain Boone (MAYBE I would), Raul, Arcade or Cass as a companion. I could definitely see myself traveling with Veronica, don't know if I'd bother taking Rex to get his cure (Jacobstown is pretty out of the way) and though I would tolerate Lily, I wouldn't feel comfortable traveling with her. Crazy Gram-gram may be fun for a game, but in real life? She's friggin' instable, and she can kill me. :cryvaultboy:
I would probably tag:
Survival (more to reflect how I tend to do well when my back's to the wall, and I've got a pretty kick-ass metabolism. Fallout has always treated fast metabolism = better healing through food/meds)
Traits would probably be:
Good Natured
Small Frame
OR Heavy Handed (I've had multiple friends I've hit while just messing around complain that they'd end up with a sore bruise for days. My knuckles hurt, apparently

Not sure which two of those three. I am skinny, but I'm never broken a bone in my life, so I suppose Small frame would be the third wheel.