Also, I miss a talking main character. I enjoyed the banter between your other spec ops team mates in the first game, where this is completely nonexistent in Crysis 2. I know why, and for those who have not made it that far in the game I won't spoil it for them. Let's just say that it is a bit disappointing.
Overall, I am really enjoying the game. Also, anyone who says that the graphics were better in the first one haven't played it recently. I am playing this game through Directx 9 and see a vast improvement in lighting and textures. I still can't max out the first game on my computer, running my Geforce 8800GTS, but in Crysis 2 I can run the game on "high" and still see an improvement between games. This makes me happy and shows that raw power is not the answer for better graphics. This lends to the credibility of the CryEngine 3, which, in my opinion will be awesome with the newest cards on the market.
So, am I disappointed with Crysis 2, yes. Do I care, absolutely. The game does not feel consolized in anyway, but it just feels like in trying to make Crysis 2 better than the first, they actually omitted some of the things that made the first game great. I like Crysis 2 and look forward to playing the multiplayer to death after I get done with the single player campaign, but I don't feel that it lived up to the hype at all.
That is my honest review.