You are actually describing encounter zones, not statically leveled enemies. Fallout 3 had them, Skyrim has them. Fallout 3 had encounter zones that had minimum levels for enemies so if you went there early, you would be over-matched. (I won't say owned; Fallout 3 is too easy.) Skyrim also has encounter zones, only the levels appear to be somewhat higher for some of them. My third level character found a vampire lair right after leaving Riverwood and got owned by the Vampire Lord (or whatever it was) so bad that I still won't go back. Encounter zones are still in there. They might not be scaled as high as you'd like, but I'm not sure how arguing for more scaling is proving that static designs work better. What you're saying, more or less, is that the system you've described, which is essentially the system that exists, would add to 'freedom, realism and a sense of progression'. Couldn't agree more. Glad that's the way Skyrim was designed.
Regardless, of what your game is doing, mine is borked. (Other ppl have reported this too.)
So, It obviously doesn't work that way at all, I believe they said it was random, meaning respawning enemies could be gods, or absolute jokes, but for me, everything has respawned a god. :shrug:
As for ppl claiming Morrowind was easy, yeah, if you abused the game, but let's not forget, level scaling exist because of all the "Wah, it's too hard, me no get where I try to go!" complaints we had after it's release. So, yeah, after playing MW for the billionth time(or googling), it can be easy, if you purposely OP your character, but, it was also hard as nails for nearly every single player who faced it legitimately their first times through. (I'm playing right now, level 20, and the Goblins in Tribunal still pwn my character. With my play style, I don't get OP until around lv40+, and even then, as a mage, reflect is my enemy, and it's everywhere.)
Here's an idea, play the game, don't power level, don't abuse the economy, and save extra pursuits such as Enchanting\Alchemy until after you are very high level. (Also, just because you know exactly where every Daedric item is, doesn't mean you have to collect them.)
Then tell me how easy MW is....(My lv20 is getting smacked down by goblins, and DB in Tribunal. Seems fine to me... And I challenge ANYONE to beat the lich in Firemoth at level 10 without power leveling, easy, lol, it took me over an hour to win that battle fairly. Or try Vivec if that's too easy for ya.)
So, enough with the rose colored glasses BS, I still play MW, and I will always play MW, not out of nostalgia, but because it's the only game I can put 500+ hours in, it's the only game that has a world I call home. I'll say it again, I play these other games, but I live in Morrowind. (I have been known to spend over 9 hours just decorating my home, because, it was my HOME. Understand that, and you'll see the distinction between the "whiny" MW crowd, and yourselves. Between gamers, and roleplayers. I never play MW to beat it, that's not the point, I may at some point do so, but it's never the real goal. Hope that makes sense.)