I hate to bump this flame fest even more, but in Skyrim scaling makes total sense to me. If you follow the lore of it, Dovahkiin have a natural ability, even a destiny, to be able to defeat dragons in battle no matter the circumstance. However, they don't get this type of "bonus" against other humans around them. In the early levels, you have these normal bandits with some special ones tossed in. These are the unexperienced, young bandits who haven't held a weapon for very long. Once you get to a certain level though, some harder types of bandits begin spawning. Now let's say you've been playing for even an in year game, these older bandits have potentially decades of experience surviving and fighting on you. Why is it so "unrealistic" that these guys are able to kill you in a couple well placed arrows or a swing with a battleaxe that would take off a fighter's arm, leg or head no matter what kind of armor they're wearing? You're NOT a demi-god in this game, you're a person destined to kill dragons. The only gods in the game are the ones with massive shrines that talk to you in your head. You're a mortal in everything you encounter except dragons. (If you really want to follow the lore, it shouldn't even be a possibility for a dragon to kill you.)
Skyrim is meant as a huge open world where you can explore anything in any order you choose because you'll have enemies around there that put up a challenge but aren't outright restricting you from going there. I've heard people then say "what is there to look forward to?" The simple answer is exploring. Skyrim, in my opinion, is meant to be played as an "experience" rather than as a "game". They create an extremely deep and life-like world with countless places to explore. They weren't interested in telling the player "you can't go here." Rather, they made the world and said, "Here you go, explore it, awe at it, make love to it and bang the s**t out of it, it's yours to do with it what you will."
The only time I agree with not level scaling would be in caves and dungeons that you voluntarily go into a separate area with a "minimum level" where a certain type of enemy exists. Even then, in dungeons extremely below your level, I think a challenge should still be presented in an increased amount of enemies, rather than with tougher enemies. Tell me, what would be more fun to you and feel more "rewarding", having a dungeon with set number of enemies and challenge, even if you're 10 levels above its recommended level, or having it add 6 more regular bandits on top of what it would have been at the recommended level? This way, rather than steam rolling it, you don't feel the world is cheating by throwing extremely powerful enemies at you all the time, but rather that you just mowed down 12 bandits in combat, slicing and dicing them, while they got quite a few hits in on you. You're battered and bruised, but you feel as though you're one seriously bad-ass motherf****r for beating that many guys, even if they're low level. I'm cool with dungeons being too high for a character, but I don't want dungeons to be trivialized by being locked really low as you get higher in levels.
Also, unique items scaling is bad, I also disagree with that. But in terms of the open surface world, the game requires that that is scaled so you can go everywhere whenever without it feeling impossible or trivialized. Does that make sense? :thumbsup: