You call that scaling?
Hell, just look at dungeons, they have level ranges..
And I'm sorry, but as for bandits, the regular kind (named "bandit") Are just as weak when you are level 1 than when you are level 30. How come I have trouble handling 2 at the same time at level 3, and yet at level 10 I can take on 5 PLUS a bandit outlaw?
The difference is at what level the higher leveled ones appear, and them again, that's only out in the wilds. Dungeons all have ranges. That cave of Kinareth is ALWAYS full of spriggans when you do the quest, PLUS a spriggan matron. At level 5 you can't make it through, unless you have a good companion and know how to use him. At level 30 you barely have any challenge doing it, even alone.
Draugr Overlords DO appear at lower levels. And they are tough as [censored].
Basic draugr keep appearing at higher level, and you can one-shot them pretty easily. Hell, at that level, I tried taking off ALL my armor, letting them hit me, and it still took them around 3 minutes to finish me off.
Sometimes I just wonder what game you guys are playing, because I have NOT seen that "enemies always one hitting me" problem. The only thing close to it would be playing on master difficulty, but then again, you are MEANT to feel weak at that level. (And it goes away at higher levels too)
It's completely borked, and not fun.
I just tried it 15 minutes ago, on my level 35 guy. Draugr wights need about 8-9 good hits to be beaten, Regular draugr, only 2. They ALL fall to a single dual-weilding power attack.
Regular draugr need quite al ot of time to kill me, without armor (as said above).
As for the wights, even if I keep my armor on, they take less time to kill me than the regular ones