My character is level 25 and my biggest complaint with scaling at the moment is that it doesn't seem to be beefing up my opponents at all. At the start of the game the fights were fun and what I expected. They also lasted a reasonable amount of time, which translates to opportunities to raise my melee skills. But now I'm literally killing my adversaries in one or two hits. Many times I chew through a small fraction of my opponent's health with an opening shield-bash, only for my followup swing to turn into a finishing move cut-scene. It's extremely ungratifying to have my opponents dying so quickly.
Currently I really only get a challenge (as in, I have to stop and cast a heal during melee combat) from giants and dragons. I think a large part of the problem is that most of my opponents don't appear to be scaling up to my level. I go into a dungeon and face Restless Draugr in it. Aren't they only level 6? Again, I'm 25. I just finished a dungeon filled with mages, and all but one of them were Adepts and Apprentices. Apprentices are level 6 and Adepts are level 12, according to the guide. There was, however, one Electromancer in the dungeon (and Electromancers are level 36, which explains why he was such a pain in the rear).
Maybe it works differently than I expected it to. I expected to walk into dungeon and encounter opponents at or around my level. For some creatures (dragons) that appears to be working (random dragons changed to blood dragons when I passed level 20), but elsewhere it doesn't seem to be the case. I came in this thread expecting to see complaints about the scaling creating opponents who were too easy and am surprised to see the opposite (that they're too difficult).
For the record, I use gear appropriate to my level and have allowed my skills to evolve naturally.