I think though that Bethesda has shown a total lack of creativity in how it actually improved on some elements of game play and also how it dumbed down aspects of the game, as well as leaving in scaled enemies....really why? What is blatantly obvious to any experienced Oblivion mod enthusiast is that Bethesda copied most all of the popular mods and put them into Skyrim...it does make sense. Had they not done this there would be a never ending barrage of complaints that a modded Oblivion was actually more full featured (it still probably is). So it seems as far as progressing combat and general gameplay Bethesda just turned to copying mods like Deadly Reflexes, Windows lit at night, the Companion mods, and so on. Some of the really surprising additions where the bards in the taverns, the voice acting in general is actually excellent in this game so it was nice to see this sort of thing added.
The biggest problems with this game is how it ONCE AGAIN scales enemies. Having a character who is level 41 getting one shotted by a vagrant in the sewers of Riften is absurd, just like slaying a dragon at level 1 is ridiculous....see how this works in theory a vagrant in the sewers of riften should be the greatest dragon slayer in all of Tamriel. This is one area where Bethesda has just been plain lazy CONSISTENTLY. Having a character grow and develop is pointless when things scale with you. I am just confused, why even put in a leveling system at all? Just keep everyone level 1....get rid of it. I swear I think Bethesda is incapable of making a rpg with decent character development. I honestly believe they do not know how. To say the very least a world where varying degrees of danger exist is one of the most rewarding gameplay experiences you can have. Werewolves should be very high level encounters....just like vampires should be deadly to low level characters...and slaying dragons should be left only to the mightiest.
You could have areas designed for high level adventure. Where everyone knows only the bravest or strongest dare enter. Like a ancient vampire castle surrounded by dark woods that destroy any but the strongest. This would give someone something to look forward too. You might see the dark forest woods on the map or wander by it not daring to go in until you have properly prepared yourself by developing skills, magic and acquiring the proper equipment. When you simply make a scaled world it makes your world bland devoid of any wonder or challenge. Having varying degrees of challenge that are intelligently woven into the gameworld, give your world character. Skyrim is just like oblivion, very gorgeous but devoid of any character. And it is why Bethesda's games always get bland and old (without mods). Its like you do the 75% of the hardwork creating the gameworld but forget to breathe life into it by using difficulty and challenge to tell the story of your world or to help direct the player. It also undermines your entire character development system. Which is a shame.
Think about this Bethesda people can actually screw themselves by leveling certain skills and leveling up. If you raise speech or lockpicking you will somehow magically populate the world with higher leveled enemies. The whole concept is fail. Why to you stubbornly stick to this scaled enemy system? It is seriously hindering you in creating a masterpiece of a game. You have made once again a beautiful game with that is basically a facade with duct tape and rubberbands holding up the framework. Your scaling system is complete krap, please quit being lazy, hire some people to plan your gameworld intelligently so that you can add more mystery, danger, and a compelling storyline to your game. The story line just like quests in general cannot be compelling when there is no danger...you can always complete them...because everything scales. You dont even need to level your character or get involved in character development at all.
As many I suspect, i tried to overcome the lameness of enemy scaling using the difficulty slider. And well its a pretty sad state of affairs....just like oblivion. All it does is increase health, mana, and I guess damage of the enemies. And since everything scales you just get to look forward to every lowlife, bum, and thief one shotting you. I mean I am in fully enchanted glass armor and a man without a shirt and a stick he found in the woods comes up to me and one shots me. Yeah thanks. But I think the difficulty slider is kind of a symptom of the level scaling anyways. Its just plain awful and its random. But lets be frank here, why do you have drain magicka or stamina skills in this game? You give enemy mages infinite mana, archers infinite arrows, warriors infinite stamina. All this to cover up shoddy enemy AI and remove "exploits".....we are paying a high price for your attempts to cover up krappy AI. Personally I could live with krappy AI if my spells and abilities actually had a point. Just for the love of god get rid of scaling and get rid of all these inconsistencies where the enemies basically cheat. Its not all about challenge here, its about trying to roleplay a mage destroyer character and having no way to mana drain a mage, despite having spells and skills to do so. I would rather live with gamebreaking abilities than immersion destroying difficulty "gimicks". I mean I just am getting tired of mages who machine gun off master level destruction spells faster than I can shoot my bow. Having played a mage I know I would be done in about 6 casts unless I used the enchantment Opedness.
Other than that I guess the game is great...I just wonder if Bethesda will ever wake up. They seem to be going in the wrong direction more and more...and if this game gets any more dumbed down it might should be put in ages 3-8 section of Toys are Us next time. The biggest draw of this game for me is it is a sandbox, a base for future mods.