» Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:33 am
In the beginning I absolutely adored fonv, I would play it and play it and play it for countless hours.
However, I feel it has been drawn out for far too long I haven't even put the game into my PS3 for quite a while now.
Couple that with the numerous failures to make a dent in the games performance issues patch after patch I'm starting to feel a little cold towards this game.
I read in the Jason Bergman thread that he was involved (somehow) in Bioshock 2 and yet he's also quite proud of this game.. This doesn't really add up to me, Bioshock 2 performed like an absolute dream from start to finish no matter what was going on, I'm sure Jason has played NV, he must have at least had a quick go on Bioshock 2. Frankly the devs should hang their heads in shame both for the quality of performance and the poor customer relations with regard to info on releases.
The only redeeming feature of fonv is it's immersive storyline, but that can only make up for so much...