10/10 is exagerrating but it is indeed a great game IMO.
But there are some horrendous issues that need addressing
When it comes to first person shooters on xbox, crysis is just the best. I can't go back to halo, call of duty or even battlefield after being spoiled by it. I love the movement system and because of it the gameplay is very skill based, which I also love. Halo and especially call of duty are the opposite...frustratingly noob friendly. They make it so easy to stand there, point, shoot and kill. But in crysis you can get creative. You can attack someone from 10 different angles plus invisibility, ledge grabbing ect. This makes each kill more advanced, unique, more exciting and way more fast pace... and lets not forget about those graphics.
When it comes to connection issues I haven't had much problem. I haven't been kicked out because of a migration yet and the migrations seem twice as quick. You have to have a little sympathy for the game since it doesn't dedicated servers. Connection problems are the hosts fault but what matters is how the game handles it.
This is all just my opinion

and just for clarification I love and own all the Call of Duties since modern warfare 2, Halo 3, Halo reach, halo 4 and Battlefield 3. I'm just saying that crysis is the one I keep coming back to.