u dont see the point in Borderland isnt a single player deep story game, is more of a grinding loot shooter, like Diablo 3, kill 1000000 that monster he maybe droop a epic.
While Fallout runs on a similar base like ES or ME or DA, not only monster dont re-spawn, loot is there to grab it 1 time. U really dont need to grind on place to get a cool loot u just need to do 1 dungeon one time.
That way Borderland have cero RPG elements, Borderland isnt even a Action/RPG, where Falllout is.
Most ppl that ask fallout to have a Co-op dont release how much the game need to change to be able to do it, not only VATS need to go away, since slow time when u want and choose where u shoot on a co-op game dont work, u also need to change how the game work, bc since u can get some weapons 1 time u need to choose who will get it and that person wont be able to get it again, So to work Fallout need to become a grind loot shooter, like Destiny or Borderland.