I'm a solitary person by nature, so I appreciate the quiet of the Wasteland.... most of the time. It ~can~ feel awfully lonely at times, though. But then you run across a town with, like, six people there and you are ~excited~ to see them, glad to talk to them and hear their woes, trade with them, etc. It makes those encounters more meaningful, to me, precisely because they are rare.
InMetro 2033, I felt even MORE alone, possibly because of the freaky scary environment and the mouth-breathing gas mask sounds and heartbeat-in-your-throat kind of tension / noise. Their "settlements" were so depressing, though, I could not wait to get back out on my own, away from them. Fallout communities, historically, are oases in the wasteland --- places you WANT to go and visit. Canterbury Commons, Megaton, Rivet City... heck, I even enjoyed swinging by GIrdershade for a Nuka-Cola with the ~one~ citizen there (her man made poor choices when talking to me).
I actually sort of predict that there will be communities that will be ~too~ big for my tastes and I'll want to get back out of them after restocking and talking to specific people, etc. Get back to the wasteland and the smaller, struggling settlements out there.