EDIT: I made a mistake, the real question was IGN: Can you ride dragons in Skyrim?, which completely eliminates the very first part of this post. The rest & bulk of the post is tied to the thread title which is about dragon morphing and my opinion of it.
IGN: Can we fly on Dragons? (not quoted word for word but yea that was the question)
Todd: Not in the way your asking (this was quoted word for word)
Im not wanting to go into a debate about Todd's answer per say but that confirmed some form of transportation that involves a Dragon & the player character. It could be a scripted event/quest that happens at some point in the game, it could be a form of instent teleportation with a load screen that suggest your using a Dragon for transportation, it could be number of possibilities but one thing I would be more sure if I had to guess then not is that he means morphing into a Dragon possibility (who knows . . ).
That sounds awesome right? I mean the physics of the Dragons in the game are absolutely awesome, there animations everything they have done with the dragon from seeing that gameplay trailer is very impressive. I could go on & on about how cool & how involved dragons will be in Skyrim just from logical thinking & watching that trailer but I want to stay on topic. Since morphing into a Dragon is a possibility, that means flying around Skyrim would also be a very huge possibility of course, and finally being extremely powerful so much to the point of it being very unmotivating to not want to always be morphed as a dragon. Yes you can RP away with yourself to balance out the dragon morphing, but even with a balance to how often or how long you can be morphed as a dragon or what have you it still throws things off to me in a game like ES (like Skyrim). Again event a scripted short or long quest of you being a Dragon even as end game would just not seem right because your taking away from it being about your character, your play style, your choices your etc etc.
From watching the IGN rewind trailer & seeing other talk about it, it sounds like you will be able to command, summon & control a dragon in some kind of aspect possibly with the shout ability. I did not personally see anything that confirms that yet but im sure it is confirmed and that makes me VERY HAPPY. Name a game worth mentioning with a dragon in it and I can guarantee you I am aware of that game or have played it myself possibility and with that said I have not been excited about a dragon in a game since Ultima Online. Dragons in the good days of Ultima Online were very powerful and extremely awesome having one as a pet if you were a tamer (taming was a skill in the game). You could complete any aspect of UO with a dragon, when pets died in the game they could not be resurrected in any kind of way and some people kept there first tamed dragon for months to year+. That gives you a idea of the epicness of how cool they use to be in the game. Mind you this is the first MMO to ever come out, this game is old (im 26 started playing it during its 2nd year) so the game back then was awesome. Dragons in Skyrim are very well thought out, lots of work has gone into them for this game (clearly) among other many things of course.
So yes, the ability to control a dragon I for sure hope is possible in the game but morphing into one not so much. It is a mainstream game (multi platform game) so it being very hard acquiring the ability to call in or control a dragon is slim but I hope it is something that takes awhile for sure to be able to do in the game. If they are as the dev's have said going to make the game little more in depth or should say more difficult? (don't quote me) then Oblivion then maybe it will be challenging to a degree getting a dragon.
So that's my thought & opinion on that, anyone can share there's if they want.