Agreed. This is a shell of a game. Mediocre at best.
The removal of RPG elements is fact, not opinion.
I'm loving Fallout 4. Or am I not allowed to sit at this table?
I'm enjoying Fallout 4 even though:
I preferred Fallout 3 over New Vegas. So I'm going to have to disagree.
I feel quite differently. I actually might not buy an Obsidian fallout after I was so disappointed by FONV. I felt like one of the old fallout 1-2 guys must feel about the later games.
Personally the perk point system seems so much richer than the skill point system to me.
Yeah, can't wait for a game that freezes on me constantly, pretends to have "choice" only to end with a Powerpoint slide show, and having a boring landscape with characters about as appealing as toilet paper made of sandpaper.
There's a reason I've replayed Fallout 3 far more than FONV and it sure didn't have anything to do with "better by Obsidian".
I loved FNV so yes I would take love for them to make another one.
Not without Chris Avellone on the writing team. As he is gone and they are busy with Pillars of Eternity and other IP's i don't see them doing a large scale game like Fallout again. Personally i do enjoy FO3 abit more than New Vegas, but New Vegas is overall better in most aspects. I just think the atmosphere of the game isn't quite right for the story it wants to tell. The Western setting with the NCR Army which was very USA and then a Roman Army. Caesar's Legion made no sense to me, or to anything. I think the factions so far in FO4 puts both New Vegas and Fallout 3 to shame, so i'll stick by that game now.
Let's hope that Bethesda never lets Obsidian anywhere near the franchise ever again. That would be far better for Fallout than having Obsidian screw it up again.
The only things that made FONV better were the mechanics...iron sights and crafting. Otherwise, I did prefer FO3.
So many beautiful opinions in this thread. Brings a tear to my eye.
But I personally like Fallout 4 despite some flaws. I would most definitely be all for another Fallout game developed by Obsidian.