I hope weapon modellers see the potential in mod parts

Post » Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:51 pm

I'm into 3d modelling myself but never really got a hang of the process for the files necessary to work in Beth games. Nevertheless, it's astoundingly clear to me that there is huge potential in modders creating mods for weapon parts and not entire weapons. Why? Exponential growth. I would love to see statistically unquantifiable possibilities for weapons, which would make every weapon drop a new and exciting find.

One important factor that stands out to me is that if modders can make different weapon frames that can accommodate different size barrels, stocks, sights then the variability in weapons will be gigantic. A perfect example of this is the PC/PS4 black light retribution which has a satiafyiny deep variation for weapon models.

I'm just hoping anyone considering making new weapon mods is aware of the potential here. It's the first time in a Beth game that really unpredictable loot can be achieved. Would add heaps of gameplay longevity to me.
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Rebecca Dosch
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