Not necessarily. There are stats that describe team play effort so they are very valid in Brink I think, you cant just dismiss all stats saying they are for ppl who dont care about team. Individial achievements/stats as you say could also be those to do with teamplay and helping the team.
And I like to know how am I doing with each weapon or which map suits me more or which enemy or weapon kills me more, not for any bragging or anything, just like to know the information. You cant really brag with it
I have to mention again the game Alien Swarm where you have to agree, it is heavily based on teamplay and yet it has interesting stats which we in a team like to check from time to time just for our amusemant. Same goes for L4D2, teamplay game with nice stats. Dont get fixated on K/D stat, there is much much more..

In Alien Swarm it says from all health I ve dropped for ppl to use, I ve used 25% on myself, the rest to heal others, so thats an individual stat yet has a lot to do with teamplay. Also I do most friendly fire with a minigun, so that helps me to decide what gear to get for certain missions. You get the idea.
Its not about stats, its about how ppl use them. If someone wants to brag, he/she has a small brain and I can easily ignore it. Everyone is better in different things, thats where team play comes in.
So lets hope Bring will need proper teamplay to succeed, unlike COD where you can be one man army, more like TF2 or L4D where you NEED others

P.S. no killcams pls, whats the point of playing stealthy when ppl can see where I am/was etc, would much prefer record feature where I could watch the match later