3ds max 2011 (I know people say it's unsupported, but it doesn't appear to have any major problems)
I think for now, I simply want to know the most efficient way to get out of 3ds, then into nifskope, with as little modification in there as possible, then get it into the GECK.
I'm just getting started with modeling for FO3 and have some basic questions.
I have followed some tutorials and most don't seem to jive with the apps I have, so I'm trying to start with something simple.
I made a box. put a texture on it, made a collision mesh using the bhkRigidBodyModifier.
Exporting (using with collisions, generate strips, flatten heirarchy, update tanget space, NIF w/o animation, sort nodes and add accum nodes on (all else off), Root node type: BDFadeNode
I can pull it into nifskope and it looks right to me, textures set (yes, I turned off all the shadow hooha). I have BSFadeNode (0) with the bhkCollisionObject(3) and all its sub trees(2 and 1), I have the NiTriStrips(4) in there as well.
after saving this out and opening in the GECK, I can see it, it lights and textures fine, hit F4 and can see the collision mesh on it, hit "F" to drop it to the floor, and it "collides" fine, settling where it's supposed to, but when I pop into the game, the object had no collision. I can walk right through it.
Is there a specifc way either the export from 3DS or some flags can be set in Nifskope to get the collision mesh, that it can see and display in the GECK, can be properly activated so collisions work properly in the game?
edit: I also tried with "Extra Nodes On Mesh" on and off, no difference noticed