Hopefully the Companions in Fallout 4 Are More Colorful

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:35 pm

In addition to more flavorful followers, I would like for them to be commanded by a helpful command system. For instance, you can tell followers to stay passive and to not engage enemies unless either you or they are attacked, order them to stay in a spot you point at, make them focus on a single enemy during combat, and even command them to take items, pick locks or decrypt computers if their skills are high enough. All without having to get close to them to initiate the feature. Since certain situations would make it dangerous to walk up to companions, it would be great to have the ability to command them from afar.

I also thought it would be cool to have a relax command, where the followers would go around and interact with objects such as food, tables, chairs, other NPCs, ect.

New Vegas was heading in the right direction with follower commands, so it would be nice to see it improved upon

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:23 pm

Some things I would love to see regarding companions:

*Companions participate in dialogue, offering advice or reacting to what you say.

*NPCs reacting to your companions. For example, if you talk to someone who hates ghouls while you have a ghoul companion, the NPC will treat you differently. Or if you have a super mutant companion, other super mutants may be less hostile towards you.

*Quests affected by companions. The one example I can think of is avoiding the heroic sacrifice in Fallout 3 by sending a radiation-immune companion in.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:37 pm

more colorful and romancable!

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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:55 pm

I do hope there a bit better this time around.

Nice Idea Madcat

though for charisma I would suggest a female ghoul simply named "Monroe" (starlett before the bomb )

Also I am kind of the followers do not have to be truthful or helpful mindset..... nothing say's were friends like stealing you ammo and food and leaving in the night.

But I am odd

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Tai Scott
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:10 pm

She svcked :)

I found her fun.

And for gods sake no babbling companions with three funny one liners they repeat every minute. They get annoying after 3 minutes.

Lydia was partial guilty in this but the worst was the Zion tribals. Make me take ED-E or the female in dead money even if far worse stats :)

Coming up with comments from time to time is nice, and bring atmosphere, like comment on special locations.

Remember Ayla in Skyrim, was entering some daeric shrine, I just dropped 6 charging enemies in a row with an bow and felt pretty cool about it, then Ayla says, I have not seen anything like this in a long time.

Yes I know she talked about location not my shooting but still.

Random comments might be stupid, epic cool or simply legendary like this once in a lifetime shot http://i.imgur.com/G0aRXLF.jpg

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