Looks like i'm completely out of the loop like still being in media blackout of the game. Oo
So i'm just going to point out what I do know and feel about the coming game.
First of, glad there's another game coming out. Even though I haven't finished the last two.
Always wanted a FPS/TPS version of the game, but for some reason i couldn't get myself to continue till the end...
I think its mainly because of the lack of a voice for the main character, as its a hassle for a non-commentary video to make...
Which is one thing I'm glad to see that the new game is going to have.

Made a short vid voicing my hopes for the game that's to come.
Hoping to make more later. Till then i'll just write here as well.
Played all the games in the "Anthology" pack except part 3 & N.V. haven't finished them...
Love the separate tales of each games but still clueless as to if the stories are connected to one another or not.
I liked the first two games as it has continuity through the bloodline, a rare thing in any game story.
Than later we keep getting random people (a tribal, an outsider of another vault, a regular dude in the outside world)
Which isn't a bad idea, just needs some way to connect between stories. Some quotes or character relations like in New Vegas or a narration that's nothing to do with any of the NPC's knowledge of what's going on in other parts of the world.
Some Reference to past games
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics? (not canon?)
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
hardcoe Mode
love F: New Vegas's hardcoe, making need to hunt and cook for food & drink those damn radiated water...
It's the best food crafting I've ever played with, maybe because its closer to reality than other game's version of food...
No free caps from community building... make it optional
I want to stare at that spot where we can build up and say "Eh" and walk away...
"it would be nice if Bethesda got the resource struggle right." kuunkulta
Love it since Fallout: New Vegas
with the food I mean, barely made anything else, lol
It's the best food making in any games I've played, as it feels real for some reason... hunting creatures close to reality and cooking them to survive the hunger mode.
Which I wonder if its still around in Fallout 4, from my limited understanding... Bethesda is not directly involved in Fallout: New Vegas
I really hope there's more then weapons/armor that can be crafted. Something to feel useful for non-combat purposes.
I'm concern about when the presenter mentioned they want to make combat more exciting and focus too much on it.
- How about the survival espects?
- Effects on NPCs based on ur Luck / Inteligence?
- Groin shots still not around???
hate to see if this game turn into a combat focused game.
Not a big fan of the whole build a house feature. I hope its not part of the story, otherwise I'll have to spend time on it. Curious what kind of story will get the guy to come back over & over again.
Big thing I believe the franchise is lacking... except in Tactics.
Used to be for stealing only, than Tactics made it so we can crawl / prone to an enemy undetected to make a critical hit.
This is not used in F3 & F:NV
Other shooter games have proven its not impossible so that can't be the reason.
Maybe just not plan to be, which would be a shame... always dislike the fact that they can see me from the distance & dark, from like 90 degrees of vision angle. So why even bother to crouch...
does it always have to be kill or be killed?
Can we scare them? KO them?
I wonder if its still like the previous two games, or are we getting more moves to traverse areas where there's no stairs. Maybe include ladders or climbing features.
Better AI
Not better at spotting u, and head shooting us...
but better at finding us, than just walking onto walls and shooting at nothing.
more realistic awareness to allow stealth playthrough.
NPCs need ammo!!!
Not sure if the past games made this count...
but if not, I sure wish they do now.
Faster or stealthier we kill, the more ammo we get.
If they keep missing us, they'd run out of ammo, and maybe even share among each other. Oo
Can shoot down those running back to restock their mates or hear them blab at each other,
"Go get your own"
"Should made your shots count".
Love that the dog is getting more features, fetching items is nice, but hope there's a hotkey for it and not have to select the option over & over again. or telling him to search around and get everything not boxed in...
Is there a Warning there's danger near by and can see the direction he's growling at?
Scare the enemy?
Feed the dog?
Not sure about other game's dog features, but that's as much as I can think of.
Vehicles? (Fast Travel)
Like most, i'm curious if we're getting any form of vehicle, not necessary for cruising around but maybe as a fast travel system...
Without it, we can't fast travel.

Which is the same as Fallout 2 & Tactics, iirc.
Even to store our equipment.
I'm not sure how the vertibird is going to fit in the game, like why in this latest game, so short from the time the bomb hits, get to have all the high tech. stuff so easily while others have to work for it to get them or haven't even heard about them...
That's where the timeline thing bothers me also, how long was part 1 from the time the bombs hit? more then 200 years or less... when Vault 13 opened
If it is a fast travel, I would love to see animation/cinematics of it taking place like in Arkham: Origins how he used the Batwing.
Visual Equipment Apparel
As in, we can see what we're equipped with.
armor & weapons is already done in the past, now what about grenades?
HtH weapons
2ndary weapons
Grenades & melee as a separate hotkey rather than equipping them.
Special slots on the inventory for these types of weapons, with hotkeys to use them.
When a melee weapon is used, they attack with it and stay equipped until holstered or changed back to a range weapon.
When in VATS, we got a button "throw grenade" or "Melee attack"
even if we got other weapons equipped.
Kicks & punch will be available if melee weapon is unequipped.
I wish there's perks you level up with and there's perks you can train to get...
Say we start off and found our first lock.
He/she's an elderly fella,
I'm sure they've heard stories about it... so she pulls a pin off her hair and tries it out.
And we the players with more experience than her, can figure it out and unlock our
"Picklock" perk. 
It's like a puzzle to figure it out.
then the more we do it, the easier it gets.
Maybe to the point where the character auto does it. 
Types of locks (different puzzles)
Padlocks (can be busted)
Inbuilt locks
Dial locks
Button locks