So with Automatron out now its pretty good. People will say that the story isn't long enough, but I feel it is all it needs to be. The point of the dlc is to let player build robot companions and it achieves it.
What excites me more is the future. My hopes for the future is for Bethesda to connect their dlc's.
Just think about it.
With the next dlc being the Wasteland Workshop imagine if they released 1 new robot design into the game. Only 1 you say? That doesn't sound like much.
But think of that 1 new robot and how it would fit with all the others parts.
Just imagine if we go to Far Harbor and while exploring we come across a door that requires a robot upgrade to open for those that know.
See what I mean by this?
Wasteland workshop may have features that translate over to Automatron and Things from Far Harbor to Wasteland Workshop. All linking and becoming useful in and relevant to each-other. In the past dlc have all been the same where you get it, do it, then its done.
New Vegas kind of worked with its connecting story and how you were following the courier before you, but other than that they are quite disconnected.
Using it as an example however:
From Big Mountain you got the Sonic Gun which, when fitted with the right modification, could be used to get through energy fields that would block your path. Now picture yourself exploring back in the Mojave to find one of these energy fields with loot behind it and you say to yourself "I remember these things from Big Mt"
That is what I hope Bethesda will do with the future dlc's.
I would love to have those moments where I say "Boy that first dlc I got has become more valuable now with the additions of the new dlc's."