» Fri May 04, 2012 11:24 am
First, the contact in Balmora where you deliver the package will tell you to get some experience before coming back for "orders". You obviously don't have that experience yet, and are having trouble on the bridge. MW not only allows you to "think outside the box", it strongly favors it. You COULD just find another way across other than using the bridge, or you could wait a while until you're ready to deal with the old white-haired dude on the other side (which might also help you survive against whoever or whatever you meet when you get to the site). The game starts out VERY hard, especially if you rush straight in and try to fight stuff that's 5-10 levels above you, but gets a lot easier as it goes, until you're the toughest thing on the island; there's risk and reward.
Pure Mages are a tough way to start in Morrowind (and tougher in the expansions), although a "semi-magic user" can be relatively easy and powerful. As in real life, the more you learn, the more options open up to you, and you're still blissfully unaware of the vast majority of them.
Incidentally, the next couple of MG quests from Ajira are also fairly simple, then you move on and they get a lot tougher. You might try to "test" your character's abilities by tackling the cave near the Seyda Neen silt strider, which is relatively "survivable" for most characters even at a low level. That should at least partially address the starting funds issues. Trying it with a pure Mage as a new player is still potentially tough, though. There are dozens of "exploits" for making money, but you either have to check the "Hints, Cheats, and Spoilers section or else learn them by exploring and trying things.