Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:06 pm

So The tower Rp failed, Half the people who got sheets approved didnt even bother posting. I've had another idea floating around in my head, Its basically a horror survival RP centering around a small town named Harbour run on the border of Morrowind and Cyrodil in the mountains. I havent thought about it in too much depth yet, I want actual feed back before I produce another OP. Now this RP will have limitations like my previous Horror RP, No weapons. We will be RPing researchers/Proffesors/Scholars/journalists/writers/artist/musicians/poets. The village is a small peacefull community, they make most of their money mining crude resources such as Iron, they make the rest through farming.

The districts will be seperated as follows:

The Town Square: Made up of two or three small shops, an Inn/tavern and a hand full of houses. The architexture is tripple tiered buildings the like you would find in Bravil, patched in places and cracked in others, its not a wealthy town.

The Nabriisa residence: The owners of the mines and defacto mayors of the town, the family come from a long line of wealthy dunmer, they treat their mountain residence near the town of Harbaour run. Their house is cut off from the main town, surrounded by trees and other forestry a little way up the mountain path, a perfect secluded retreat. The manour itself is large and supports a small servants quaters.

The Nabriisian mines: A sparwling complex of hive like tunnels and passage ways that burrows deep into the mountains, some say the Nabriisa family has drained the land of its resources out of greed, others whisper dark rumours that the Nabriisa family is actually using the mining business as a front to search for something hidden within the mountains.

The Waterfields: An old field that once supported the former farming community turned mining community, after a large storm a land slide destroyed much of the field and turned most of it into swamp land, the fields are seperated by a man made canol which brings water down from the summit of the mountain to feed the water supply of the town.

The Imperial Hive: what used to serve as a prison camp during Tiber Septims Reign and invasion of Morrowind has since evolved into a clustered hive of buildings, adopted by drug runners and slavers in the late third Era, it has since fallen to dissuse and negelct, it is given a wide berth by the towns population, Screams can still be heard from beyond the hive, it is said to be a cursed place.

The Holy Ground: The Area where the towns legendary routes began, it is said that the world swallowed it whole in the early age of man, but it is simply hidden from prying eyes. It is forbidden by the towns citizens to search for the holy ground.

The Impeial Institute: An insane asylum, filled with criminally insane innmates and plain old crazy patients, the secluded location proved to be a perfect place to keep these dangers to society, under the watchfull eye of the Harbour Run town. It is still in use to this day, maintained by a few healers and assistance from the towns clergy.

I wont go too much into the plot yet, that can wait until i've had more feedback.

Basically, the villagers did something bad to a god/daedra an ended up cursed with Immortallity, But not the good kind. They live out the final few days of their life in a repetitive state as their bodies mutate and evolve, every person who dies on the grounds of this town joins the ranks of the Immortals. They could be viewed as zombies from outside eyes, but they do still retain their intelligence and emotion, though their emotion is llimited to rage and sadistic joy. Any outsiders found or seen in the village will be hunted mercilessly by the immortals, anybody who interupts their daily patterns will be murdered as punishment.

The plot is alot more complex, it involves alot more than i'm letting on but thats just the general gist of it. I'm not willing to drop this concept, so If nobody likes it as an RP i'll be using it for a fanfic in the future.

I'll need people to play a few key roles, there are those few people not driven into immortallity by the curse, those who managed to survive. I need people to play these key roles.

1: A town healer who still maintains the Asylum, turned defacto protector and warden of survivors during the dark times, unfortunately the survivors are so few that there is little work to be done.
2: A Survivor and holy person (priest/priestess/nun, whatever) of the Clergy (NOT Nine divines or tribunal by the way, totally different religion, daedric.) Who can often be found with the healer.
3: I'll be playing this role but i'll put it here any ways. A priestess.

Thats all I need, I'm not looking for a huge cast of people 4-6 will do (i'll be playing two characters + the main bad dude) I must stress again that there will be no weapons, none at all. If you have to beat an immortal into unconciousness with a tea pot then so be it, if you have to poke them in the eye balls with your shoe laces then fine, but no swords bows axes and what not. AND DEFINATELY no picking up a rack and a hand full of stones then suddenly being a master of the sling -- its very very difficult to master a sling and takes years, If i see a post like that again i'll face palm my brain out.

Basically Ordinary people in Extraordinary circumstances.

I'll also want some one to co-host to keep things moving and help keep rules enforced. I'm going to be wary of some people who have joined my previous RPs and Not posted at all, but I wont judge too harshly considering the time of year i started my most previous RP.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:58 am

Question: if the town is in the mountains, why is it called 'Harbour'?
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:23 am

Question: if the town is in the mountains, why is it called 'Harbour'?

Name subject to change, I just got sick of writing "The town" all the time so i just put the first name that came to my head.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:25 pm

Do you have a specific plot in mind following those pre-planned characters, particularly the ones that you're letting players control? You have to know that players don't like to follow pre-scripted plots... that sounds pretty risky. You'd either have to clear some of it with them beforehand or be REALLY good at railroading.

I'd like to know a bit more about the setting. How long has it been since this all first started happening... a couple months? Years? A generation? In man or mer terms?

Where and how do the Immortals live? Have they taken over the town or are they lurking in the figurative shadows? You mentioned that outsiders get attacked on sight, but what about the townspeople who haven't succumbed yet? Can the remaining survivors interact with the Immortals without being killed? Do the Immortals need to eat, and what? What did you mean by the Immortals' "daily patterns"?

What, approximately, is the current citizen-to-Immortal ratio?

Stuff like that.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:47 pm

Do you have a specific plot in mind following those pre-planned characters, particularly the ones that you're letting players control? You have to know that players don't like to follow pre-scripted plots... that sounds pretty risky. You'd either have to clear some of it with them beforehand or be REALLY good at railroading.

Nothing specific for either, I'm not sure if i'll even include them yet but one of them will be a catalyst for the story -- though not vital.

I'd like to know a bit more about the setting. How long has it been since this all first started happening... a couple months? Years? A generation? In man or mer terms?

I'll be giving info on key dates with the OP, but nothing on a time line, all will be revealed eventually though.

Where and how do the Immortals live? Have they taken over the town or are they lurking in the figurative shadows? You mentioned that outsiders get attacked on sight, but what about the townspeople who haven't succumbed yet? Can the remaining survivors interact with the Immortals without being killed? Do the Immortals need to eat, and what? What did you mean by the Immortals' "daily patterns"?

What, approximately, is the current citizen-to-Immortal ratio?

Stuff like that.

The immortals are the towns citizens. Their daily routine consists of repeating the thigns they did in the last week or so of their life on a repetative loop, be it watering plants in the morning and cooking in the evening or a guard going about his patrol route. The difference is with their hightened agression and plain old demonic behaviour, they might not go dig up vegetables to cook, they might take parts of a dead body or kill some one, they might stew a rabit alive etc. As for survivors, theres only going to be 2-3 and they will be RP'd by us (if anybody wants to), they will be attacked on sight just like any other living person. Immortals dont need to eat, they will starve until death but they will wake back up in an endless cycle over and over again until they do eat. I'll be posting up more info and a beastiary of immortals soon.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:12 am

This sounds AMAZING.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:46 am

This sounds AMAZING.

Thanks :)
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:11 pm

I agree. It sounds like a great idea for an rp.

Sorry your tower one didn't work out. If I had discovered it sooner, I would have loved to join it
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:31 am

So... when can we post sheets, and are there any requirements? I CAN'T WAIT!
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:50 pm

So... when can we post sheets, and are there any requirements? I CAN'T WAIT!

Simple, no warriors or assassins or paladins or clerics or sorcerors or death dealing mega men. Ordinary people only for this one. Send a sheet if you really want but i wont be aproving it until i've had some more feedback/interest.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:52 pm

i'd definetly join this. I'm already thinking about a journalist character. Count me in
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Chris Jones
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:20 pm

Looks good to me, i've been wanting to join an rp for a while - but with the holidays and all, haven't had the time.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:39 pm

i'd definetly join this. I'm already thinking about a journalist character. Count me in

Looks good to me, i've been wanting to join an rp for a while - but with the holidays and all, haven't had the time.

Well every one is welcome, But I dont think this Idea is generatig enough interest.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:52 pm

Well every one is welcome, But I dont think this Idea is generatig enough interest.

Well, I'm interested.
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Adam Porter
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