» Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:22 am
Horses seem to be gold sinks, more trouble than they're worth. I bought another. But reloading because I can't find my horse is probably more common than reloading because I got myself killed.
My horse frequently disappears because I have to dismount to fight wolves or rats or a dragon. The horse wants to fight and won't stay put. I suspect the horse went off chasing a wolf or spider or something a couple times.
The first random dragon I fought, was doing OK, at least when the dragon landed. But my horse started chasing it. The dragon lost interest in me. Last time I saw the horse, it was running away from the place the dragon was heading. The dragon lost interest in me and started attacking wolves and rats. I tried to spoink at it with arrows but don't do much with archery and I suspect it was out of range much of the time. I found a series of wolf and rat bodies. Never was able to finish off the dragon, lost track of it. I suspect the horse bit it, because I passed a giant camp on the way back to town, and I suspect the horse attacked the giants and got golfed.
I think I am going to either fast travel or just hoof it myself.