I'v been pushed off a cliff by lydia many times now, how is it that she can push me around but when shes blocking the way that i cant push her?
Forget everything else, THIS. THIS THIS THIS.
I am so sick of carefully sneaking up on my victims only to have a companion SHOVE me to the side at the exact moment I loose an arrow, thereby missing the kill shot and alerting them and all their friends to come reign death down on my head. What's worse is their follow distance is JUST SO that they seem to block every single doorway in the game and I cannot actually shove them aside. Best case scenario, I back up far enough to sprint at them, and then they complain I'm in a hurry. ;P
Edited: I would actually like it if stolen or recovered horses stopped immediately walking away. I stole you. You belong to me, now. Seriously, in real life, horses don't really care who you are, they will stay put and not immediately begin the 5-mile trek back to their old master. I can't dismount to kill anything or pick or flower or squat diddily. >(