» Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:20 pm
I don't know, my horse has never died and it's done some stupid things. (Attacking a group of archers on a rooftop, I was all "how the heck did you get up there" but it killed them all... somehow). Plus, fighting Saber Cats and Snow Bears seems to be my horse's forte for some reason (this observed on Master difficulty, I switch around the difficulty based on my mood and stuff). I haven't lost it either, though sometimes I forget where I left it and I have to backtrack, so I guess a button that allows for a "call your horse to your side" would be something nice. But, then again, I got my horse for free from the Dark Brotherhood, so I don't know if that has something to do with it (Shadowmere, makes me want to go get that Nightingale Armor and ride with my soul-stealing sword in lieu of a scythe).
I never bought a horse though, I stole them here and there, and also killed bandits and took their rides sometimes (and those ones always leave, presumably to go back to their masters). It seemed like a waste when there's carriage rides (or fast travel, though some people dislike using that function). Same reason I haven't bought a house -- I have the Archmage's Quarters to stick all my crap in, along with the master bedroom in the Dark Brotherhood, though I haven't discerned whether or not the old Harbinger's room is mine as far as the Companions are concerned. Otherwise, horses can be pretty cumbersome -- largely when going up mountains and stuff.
Just my opinion.