Hosting issues

Post » Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:08 pm

Long time gamer....first time poster...errr...Crysis purchase.

Having some issues with pulling host for lobbies. Considering the small amount of people playing and the huge variance with connection speeds, I am finding myself hosting almost all lobbies that I join. There are some HUGE issues I am noticing. Maybe I'm stating the obvious here, but something is seriously broken with the lag comp.

1) About 40% of the game I host, I am the only person with 4 bars...maybe one or two others have 2 bars and then everyone else is single bar. Sometimes all other players are at single bar. In this 40% of games, my host position is severely disadvantaged. Players skip around, people that aren't cloked appear magically, unload full clips into opponent with a kill (lots of hit markers though), get killed in 1-2-3-4 shots from opponents, frame rates drop when in gun fights with multiple opponents, etc. Usually end up finishing these matches at around a 1.00 K/D or below BUT an additional trend I am noticing is that one player from each team is drastically benefiting from this lobby (based on their scores).

2) Another 30% of the time I am hosting, their aren't any single bars, but a mixed bag of 2 and 3 bars. The issues stated above are minimal and I typically end up with a much better score and K/D. I also feel (based on all around lobby scores for the match) that these games are performing better for most players in the lobby. Kill cams are a bit better, hit detection is better, weapons are a bit more balanced, etc.

3) Then there is the other 10%...the INSANE advantage hosting. Don't get me wrong, this is the very best one for me but it definitely curses the other players. I can see a HUGE advantage in number of shots to kill someone, number of shots to kill their armor, obvious difference between me seeing and shooting an enemy vs when they see me and start shooting (two players looking directly at each other in this case), and my score. In these games my K/D is outrageous.

4) When I'm not hosting, I actually have quite a bit of fun playing this game. However, I definitely notice and feel the adverse effects mentioned above when not hosting...just feeling the effects from a different viewpoint.

My connection speeds average 20 ping and 25/9. Never seen anything this bad in a while for a release concerning P2P host issues. The lag compensation is very, very broken. I could go into details of why from the details above, but I think you guys get it.

Anyone else noticing this when they pull host? Or does anyone care and have thoughts of shelving it until a, so called, patch hits MP?

Based on everything so far I would imagine any patch released would be solely in an attempt to "balance" weapons. Any mediocre gamer as myself can understand a weapon balance patch is absolutely worthless if the lag compensation is garbage.

On a side note...for all you "online gamers" using your phone for a hotspot:

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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:15 pm

Or does anyone care and have thoughts of shelving it until a, so called, patch hits MP?

Strongly considering this right now.
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chloe hampson
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