Nearly every box art of WoW featured men and so did WC3 and TFT boxes. Get WoW off your lists, punk. :c
Nearly every box art of WoW featured men and so did WC3 and TFT boxes. Get WoW off your lists, punk. :c
Internet ... that could happen you know Fan fiction is odd thing
He might be.. and I am not in to men, but I could give 1-10 if I would see him standing naked with out problems.
Yes, by prosttutes to curb crawlers. Not a very good area to be in is it?
Actually in all seriousness. I am willing to give Zenimax a prop on this to some degree, but they are not completely scot free. The female briastplate shapes for instance are not done in mind for practical reasons. Please scan this
Now with this in mind, why are the female characters sporting the old boob plate? You can probably guess.
I saw 'Queen Kate Beckinsale' standing near the forge in Vulkhel Guard yesterday. You should probably go seek her out.
Why do you need hokers in bikinis to sell games?
Why are the female characters sporting the old boob plate? For the same reason the males are sporting the shirtless barbarian look.
Hmm yeah, but that look I not seen anywhere near as much. In fact it is hardly standard, unlike the boob plate armour which is on EVERY woman.
if you need a chainmail bikini clad supermodel to make you interested in eso I don't think this games for you.
So anyone with a sick biker beard looks like a dwarf? Gimli does not have a trademark on cool beards bro.
I, too, spend quite a while in character creation, ensuring I like the look of my character and that the character's name is cool/appropriate/etc. I also like to see a strong, attractive female lead in a game, especially when she can kick ass and take names. But that doesn't mean I appreciate that they take that woman, skew her dimensions, draqe her with a few scraps of cloth and metal, and fit her into completely ridiculous, ankle-breaking heels. That doesn't mean that I want to see that almost every "strong, attractive female lead" has to either be naked, almost naked, or at least have "sixy pose" for 90% of her onscreen time. That doesn't mean that I'm okay with developers using six appeal as a way to heal a female lead ("I'm going to seductively lick this lollipop to regain health because magic!").
I'm not saying that your wife feels the same way I do. I'm saying don't assume that because your wife is okay with it, that it's generally accepted among the female populace. I know men that would refuse to play a game if male lead characters did half the ridiculous stuff that female lead characters are so often written/drawn/developed to do (for example, in WoW, where female characters' briasts heave and bounce just because they' a normal rest...), because they don't want to see men that way.
I'm grateful that Bethesda/ZeniMax have at least made some much more badass female armor in this game that appears sensible (or at least considerably more sensible than chainmail bikinis). I'm grateful that they're not using the same old tropes for advertising. I'm grateful that I can make my character beautiful, but also cover her soft bits to protect them from blades and bites and claws.
I know this isn't a popular mentality among gamers. I known gamers who've been flamed for saying less. But it always grinds my gears when someone says "but my wife..." or "my girlfriend..." or "Well I'm a girl and..." and then finish it up with something along the lines of "so your argument is invalid because there's a female out there that is fine with it." That's like the old "but I have a black friend!"
I would laugh if it was actually Kate Beckinsale trying the beta out. Talk about incognito.
would be kinda funny if the big name voice actors like kate got a clone of the character they play as for there character if they choose to play
As a player of dwarfs for many years I am deeply offended that you dare suggest this mammoth of a Nord is a dwarf!!
On the subject of boobies I think you will find that most of the t i t s will be leaving come 30th March
Maybe it is though. I'm perfectly fine with it too; I actually like the strong and sixy female leads. I'm just wondering where you get your statistics?
I wasn't saying because she thought that way, all women do. I even stated, that I wasn't sure if it was the norm. Just that characterizing the anti-sixy chick look as catering to women might not be entirely true to all women.
I also am probably not entirely stating her preferences in games, just my observation of her tendencies. Realistically she probably has a similar opinion to yours.
As long as it isn't absolutely ridiculous like FFXIV, I won't mind it either way.
Being forced to run around in man-thongs because they were a huge upgrade for example.
Lol yeah, I went back and looked at your post again after posting mine and really noticed the "not the norm" part. It's a hot button for me, and I apologize for accusing you of the aforementioned assumption. In my defense, the assumption is prevalent among the gaming community (although it is being attacked more and more each day by both men and women).
EDIT: Ah, and in response to the above quote, my point about male gamers (generally speaking) not wanting to see other men that way has been made. I did know a few men who very much loved to play that particular FF game, but they all played females. XD
Hear, hear. I even saw, a female moderator of a game forum use that one to defend that games move toward overtly sixual outfits, over and again. And thought same as you. It was clamour for validity.
I am not against choice, but I don't see what choice there is most often. Sure there are people who will say, just because she is sixy, does not mean she is not strong and therefore, it shows a break in stereotype. It has potential validity, as a point. But, as is often the case it is just a valid point, used to back an agenda. If stereotypes are to be broken, then stop offering the same thing and excusing it.
Like I said, I think more choice is the way to go. Let people express themselves, by modesty, or less so. No need to force either agenda.
Oh gods yes, CHOICE! Please, please! If people want to run around scantily clad, have at it, as long as I can put on my full suit of armor to run around in as well! I like to look good while I'm smashing things, but I just happen to like my armor to look more realistic.
And as you say, there often is no choice. It's either play a male, or play in a bikini. I very rarely play games that don't allow you to make your own character any more, because it's generally either play as a male or play as a female that has typically been hypersixualized (using seductive poses when not in motion, attacks designed to show her sixuality, super-tight clothing or costumed as a cheerleader/schoolgirl/etc. with six inch spiked heels, has "sixy" ways to heal herself like candy or, in the case of Bloodrayne, svcking blood while moaning like there's a lot more going on than healing...).
I'm okay with sixy women kicking ass. I'm okay with normal women kicking ass. But this idea that a woman must be sixy to kick ass, or that everything about her must scream six (lest she be a nonentity) is at best rude, at worst damaging. I'm not saying that there aren't cases of female characters kicking ass that aren't hypersixualized, but that's definitely not the norm, and that's unfortunate.
Attractive women on products does indeed market better than other things. TESO has done it too, with the queen.