Suffice it to say this puts a damper on my desire to jump into combat.
Anyone else experiencing this?
I have the same issue. If I go to 3rd person, my char seems to hold a weapon but the hands are empty.
Meanwhile I do run some mods, but the problem has been around since hour 1.
I don't recognize a pattern regarding what might be the cause.
Well the cause is obviously that the game struggles with loading the weapon model for some reason. I might try defragmenting the game data and see if that helps. I would imagine that SSD users don't get this problem.
EDIT: Dammit, I have an SSD drive. Then I have no idea what I should do.
I don't mind so much that the model is gone, but the real annoying part is not being able to attack or switch weapons.
What seems to help sometimes is to holster the weapon (PC: hold R) and pull it out again. Not all the time though.
Yeah. I read somewhere that physically dropping you inventory of guns to the ground and then picking them up was a fix for something like what you've said. Sorry I can't remember the details better than taht
This happens infrequently to me too. I'll be "stuck" when transitioning from weapon to weapon, I can't fire or see the weapon at all. It either resolves itself in a few seconds or if I toggle to 3rd person and then back to 1st person usually. 1 or 2 times I've had to drop my weapon on the ground in order for it to fix itself.
Yea this happens to me sometimes. Annoying but playable.
THere are worse bugs. It happens randomly for me and goes away in a second or two. It would be worse if it didnt.
I have this happen after lockpicking a lock or hacking a computer, so now I put away my weapon before doing either one.
Also I noticed there's some areas that it's going to happen every time. For instance, there is a quest where you have to get Mary's locket for her father. In the place you get the locket, any lockpicking or hacking you do will result in your gun disappearing.
I did some experimenting with this, and to me it only happend if my FPS was above 70.
Then my gun randomly disappeard when i put it away, after throwing grenades, or swapping weapon.. or doing other stuff.
Its worth a try to set fps to around 60
I wouldn't say it's completely playable.
I've had moments where I'm surrounded by ghouls or molerats and I'm trying to switch from my range to melee only for it to not appear for a good 10 or so seconds. So I'm stuck there, running around frantically with an invisible weapon, unable to kill or do anything to the things that are already killing me until the model itself finally loads.
Which brings me to speculate that the game is taking longer than it should rendering each of your weapons when you want to pull them out. It's the same delay whenever the game loads different hairstyles while you're at the barber. The time it takes for the weapons to finally appear seems to be random though, even with 60 FPS it somtimes take a considerable amount of time to switch from a bat to my 10mm.
I get that on occasion as well. If I quick-save then quick-reload, my weap comes back on load every time. Annoying, but not game-killing.
I have this issue too. What fixes it every time for me is to go into the pipboy and unequip then reequip the weapon. Equipping via the pipboy bypasses any animations.
Happens to me too. Switching from 1st person to 3rd person fixes it for me.