Is she into sophisticated, educated, hovering corpses by any chance?
Is she into sophisticated, educated, hovering corpses by any chance?
She likes her mana pools large... if you catch my meaning.
Looks almost exactly what my main Altmer used to. Same eyes. Scrapped the face for being too human though. Now she looks like
Nice. I'm using the Elven Overhaul mod and yeah, it is indeed too human (I played with the sliders to try and get some of the Elven features back). I'm contemplating just removing the face related mods I have installed at the moment and reverting to vanilla. I just don't seem to be able to find anything that preserves the vanilla feel more or less, or I'm just not doing it right.
It's hard to make truly elven Altmer with EEO using the presets. As much respect as I hold for Nuska's work, I feel s/he could have done the Altmer a bit better (especially the chins, which look hideous on both our characters).
I use EEO and UNP face texture, and based my character on Faralda (in fact the picture I posted is indeed my version of Faralda but I use her face with slight modifications for my main Altmer character too).
First I opened normal Skyrim.esm, opened Faralda's file and exported her face file. Then I loaded EEO and opened Faralda there, and now she was the vanilla Faralda just with EEO's improved meshes. Then I imported her face to a Preset and edited it to my liking (notably changing the hairstyle) and then went with that.
Here's one of my previous characters.
So, you wanna see vanilla only, that's fine and ... interesting. Here comes, built 13/11 2011
I've used this shot quite recently as cover image for the of Vikings (TV Series 2013) on YouTube
Okay I have added Alfridos Pappadoris thank you
What a narrow minded mindset. Mods do not make any character look nice, the user still has to use this "skill" that you're mentioning to create the character.