As the title says, I played for ten hours today, and the ps3 only crashed once! After about 7 hours the game started freezing for a few seconds every couple of minutes, and then suddenly - blank screen. It was then that I remembered that humans need water. When I felt how hot the ps3 was; I thought 'this would put a dragon to shame' and then realised how lame that sounds, and put it down to dehydration. Anyway the next 3 hours went without a hitch (except for coming within one swords hit of that dragon at some unpronouncable welsh sound place starting with a 'K', only to have myself picked up by the head and tossed like... something that might be tossed. TWICE) and now I'm going to sleep. To have Skyrim dreams. Redguards look great in this btw, and some of the women are extremely sassy. Anyway sleep time.