Which is less than I pay for 30/5 from Comcast. My Steam downloads at 2MB/s. Fallout 4 took me 3.5-4 hours, back in November.
(And as I understand it, we don't actually have fiber in most places. Verizon was laying FIOS lines a few years ago, but apparently stopped doing it because it was cheaper/more profitable to just convince everyone to go for wireless. I think they started laying fibre again due to Google doing it, but overall fiber access in the US is pretty low. And more expensive.)
...hmm, looking at Verizon's page. They only seem to list cable/internet/phone service bundles. 100/100 internet + basic cable & phone is $90/mo for the first year, 110/mo second year, plus at least $30/mo for equipment rental (extra cable boxes/DVR/etc generally costs extra). Oh, plus "taxes and other fees". Whee! 
edit: oh, hey, there's non-bundle rates. 100/100 fiber is $55/mo first year, $65/mo second year, and then "standard rates" after month 25. Plus $10/mo router rental, taxes, and "fees". (as you can tell, cable & internet contracts in the US are all about vague "deals", hidden costs, and similar things.)
Can't find a current & decent map of coverage, but found an article from early 2014 that said FIOS was available to ~12% of the US population.