10 hours seems to be my magic number. 10 hours and I get bored. 10 hours and I need to try something different. I want to be a hero, then I want to be evil, then I want to be a sneak assassin but then I get bored with sneaking every where and try a Paladin, and that was great for yup you guessed it..... 10 hours! You see where I am going with this?
I need help developing a character that I can get behind. I know this is something that is hard for others to weigh in on but I am hoping others who have lots of experience with TES games will help me come up with something I can put 50-60 hours of love into. I played Oblivion but didn't really get behind the RP aspect of it. It wasn't till Skyrim I really appreciated what an amazing game it is. I have had Skyrim since day 1 and have played many different characters and don't really have a favorite "type". This is where my problem starts, because I don't have a type like many others I have read and followed, I start to sway and get antsy. I need help!
Is there any hope for me?