It's officially the day that my Pipboy Edition will ship hyaahhhh!
It's officially the day that my Pipboy Edition will ship hyaahhhh!
Nope didn't work 9.01pm tomorrow then, as that's the official release for the pst time zone.
Steam says 8 hours to go now, so far no more downloads.
I've literally been sitting in the same spot for the past week, waiting to play this game. It feels like the wait is actually killing me. Just a few more unbearable hours to endure...
im in thailand and this site
said 10 hour to go wtf
Lucky guys... I have to wait for my battlefront ps4 to arrive
This might be the first time I don't have to download modded faces for my game, which is awesome.
It's not beauty I'm really going for (though I make my character look good and they always end up looking nice), it's freedom from the blocky and odd-looking faces with heavy brows and other weirdnesses Bethesda tend to create. Looks like they've learned how to make modern faces this time around, so should be good.
There are facial texture mods that stay true to the grimy, dirty vibe of Fallout. Hard to call them beauty mods
I even find TES strange to use anime-style 'beauty' mods... but to each his own. Mods are mods. You can mod in My Little Pony for all I care.
I agree the faces look very good, but I was telling my friend that when the first face/body texture mods start trickling out, we're gonna be hard pressed not to download them. The great artists of the ES/FO community never disappoint.
Only thing that gets me is the "glass eyes" thing, besides that I am really digging the graphics and may not even need a HD texture pack for once.
Don't forget theirs some awesome presets to check out
My hard copy is about to ship right now. Just one day to go. Also just finished Fallout New Vegas one more time. During the past 5 years I spent over 1500 hours in New Vegas.
I'm totally ready here! Picking it up soooooooon!
I moved my sleeping schedual around so I'll wake up at midnight tommorow, I'll have the whole night and next day to play it without being tired!
I'm preparing for my first day of play as well, but looking at that catheter over there on the desk I'm beginning to suspect that I may be taking it a little too far.
Sitting in the same spot for a week will have a chance of killing you. Walk around a little.Use some energy before fallout 4 slaps you around the chops.
I don't know how I'm supposed to get any work done today. I'm just waiting for 12:01 tonight for my Xbox One copy to unlock. Trying to stay away from reviews (and failing), trying to stay away from these forums and any negative/hater posts (and failing), trying to focus on anything else BUT 12:01 tonight (and failing).
It's ridiculous to count down every hour for the next 14 hours. And yet that's pretty much what I'm doing. 10:01 AM EST right now. Too many hours left to go!!!!