Im so excited that I will be playing fallout 4 in 27 hours.
The first thing im going to do is spend an hour or two on character creation.
What will you be doing???
Im so excited that I will be playing fallout 4 in 27 hours.
The first thing im going to do is spend an hour or two on character creation.
What will you be doing???
Double that for the character creation, because even if I'm not playing them, I'm totally customizing the [censored] out of the other spouse too >_<
I'll probably explore pre-war Boston to what extent I can. Then I'll see if I can kill anyone or if it's more or less a tutorial completely on rails. Then I'll probably just get to the main game and start figuring out how things work.
Currently i'll be crying till release, then at release download 500mb day one patch, go default on chars and play.
I'll probably spend a lot of time on character creation too, but that won't be so much because I'm picky as it will be because it will be late and I'll be sleepy and I won't want to start actually playing until rested but I'll have to fool with the game some before crashing.
I know! I'm so ready. I've avoided game media, and forum spoilers like the plague.
I've preloaded the game, cleaned my place spotless, got a full fridge of food, and I'm not going anywhere for 2 weeks
I'll definitely take my time in character creation. I'm a bit picky when it comes to character looks. Yep, I'm that shallow
Then I'm going to take my time exploring, doing quests and get completely lost in the game world.
You're not shallow, it's part of the immersion. The more you can relate or dream of being that person the better it is. However the only downfall is the voice will be the same no matter how you make your character.
Game unlocks at 11:01 pm for me... And much like you, I keep telling myself I'm gonna sleep that night. But we all know I won't. My lady friend is gonna kill me for not talking to her all night
Buy a dozen Nuka Cola from Target and and finish stocking up my prewar lunch box from the fridge. Going to get some salami, cheese and hostess twinkies from Trader Joe's when I get off work tomorrow
Used the fallout app to setup my PC's SPECIAL. All that's left to do is spending some time in character creation to make the perfect looking PC. Still unsure if I'm playing male or female though. Come to think of it, it really doesn't matter. I'll just play 2 games concurrently.
Too bad we're not getting the GECK/CK until later. I've been spoiled with PC barber/surgery home mods that let you change your character appearance. Although I suppose there is always the console to fix that.
Less than 22 hours...
I feel just like Paul Walker in Hours...
First thing I'm going to do is try out the bedpan I bought. Then I'm going to play the game for 48 hours straight.
Got Monster, a 12-pack of beer, a lot of frozen pizzas, and the word to all my buds and fam that I'll be dark and radio silent for two solid days.
Twenty, twenty, twentyfour hours to go-o-o, I wanna be sedated...
I'm gonna attempt to launch as soon as 9.02PM PST hits, probably won't work but worth a try. Xbox One is the system i'm going to be playing on.
A few more minutes before I attempt if it works, I will respond to this comment if it does.