Have i missed something or is there really nothing down there.
I think one day I will go underwater exploring with my Power Armor and see if I can cross the Atlantic.
There's a house on a lake with a note that tells you about something in the water but it's nothing special.
Have you been to the bottom of that dig site? I've always wondered if somethings down there.
there is also a crashed skylanes plane and what looks like another flipped tanker ship east of fort strong but you cant get to it u can see it from the distance tho.
yeah, the one where you help repair the valves
that's pretty anticlimactic...I thought if anywhere aquaboy would be useful, that would be the spot.
In the sea? yeah I did that. Nothing worth while under the water, even a container ship didn't have anything. Seems a rather pointless perk atm. I do think the 2 pipes going off to the east of the map could be a hint at something being out there for an expansion...
I honestly take Aquaboy just for the convenience. Generally in these games I avoid water because of the radiation and drowning risk, but with Aquaboy it's nice to know I can look at a body of water and know that it poses zero threat to me.
I just realized, with the second rank we should be able to escape from pretty much any enemy by diving into the water and just waiting it out. Most of them can't or don't want to swim, and we'd be impossible for them to detect underwater anyway. That sounds pretty handy.
There are workbenches underwater in the quarry. Though what possible advantage that provides escapes me.
You might be able to setup a settlment there (I don't recall if there was a workshop).
I found a couple crates, with usual crate stuff in them (ammo, pipe guns, etc.)
I heard theres a submarine somewhere but I've never found (nor gone looking for ) it.
Mostly I use Aqua Girl to take shortcuts and to not have to eye puddles with vague suspicion before taking a gamble on whether they're deep enough to warrent putting on a hazmat suite before crossing. there are a few places where the level 2 would be advantageous, but not enough that I've ever wanted to spend a perk on it.
Aqua Boy/Girl is an awesome perk. I've ran into water to avoid enemies that can't fly or swim. Must-Have perk for those playing on survival difficulty.
I remember before release when people complained about the wasted map space and a bunch of people assured them (rudely might I add) that there would be a ton of quests, locations, etc in the water and that it would be just as good to explore as the land...
I saw on the news (of all places) that someone built a huge long structure over the water and fell off and discovered a city or some kind of huge structure purely by accident. There was speculation that it was an unfinished location or a future dlc location.
I found an ammo crate loaded with goodies in the lake by Sanctuary. There's actually all kinds of hidden stuff in the woods in that area.
My game bugged so that I could see under water clearly and there is nothing down there. Only note worthy things are the meow boat and there is some huge structure beyond gamespace (look like a boat).
edit: I'm talking about the boston sea area.
Well it does seem like it'd be a good target for some DLC.
I mean the have both the Aqua Boy/Girl perk and a magazine that boosts swim speed. Additionally mierlerk cakes let you breath under water and power armor vastly extends your air supply (to the point a lot of people are surprised when they manage to exceed it and drown).
There's a lot they could have done but seemingly didn't, to explain the existence of those things.
I've seen the Harpoon Gun. Judging by the texture quality, and how awkward it is to aim with, it was cut fairly early on. Bethesda would have to redo the whole thing to bring it on par with the quality of the rest of the weapons.
Woah, wait, you have to tell me where this is.
I read it as underwear exploration. I'm disappointed.