Instead of House, I rather see Tink Tank and Mobius show up and joint force with Sole Survivor against The Institute.
Instead of House, I rather see Tink Tank and Mobius show up and joint force with Sole Survivor against The Institute.
Yes, if you use the broken mechanic of stealth, standard ammo is enough.
That is very interesting
As for the topic, a small reference to House going there maybe in some records or a newspaper on a wall would be good.
Is anyone else interested in Anthony House? It isn't confirmed he died in the Great War, but that being said he was last seen in Nevada.
“We talk to Bethesda all the time,” he said. “And I think the challenge here doesn’t just apply to Bethesda specifically, but to a lot of publishers in general. But basically, what does all the [current] console crap mean? The challenge in this period of time has been, you have this console transition, and it’s strange that they’re still not announced. But that always creates a disruption in the industry. And now you mix in [the emergence of] mobile and F2P stuff, and it’s left a lot of people reeling.”
“So that’s a lot of the conversation we’ve had with publishers. ‘OK, how do we get back to normal – whatever normal is going to be.’ That’s just the process right now.”
Meanwhile, I also managed to pull Bethesda’s Todd Howard aside and get his two cents, which basically amounted to a reiteration of Urquhart’s sentiment. Nothing’s set in stone, but New Vegas was great, and having another go at it certainly makes an awful lot of sense. So, right then, fingers crossed. Extra radiation-borne ones too, if you’ve got ‘em.
"hardcoe Mode" isn't the same as "Very Hard" difficulty. hardcoe mode just adds the need for food/water/sleep, ammo weight, stimpacks heal over time and Doctor's Bags are required to heal crippled limbs. Very Hard difficulty doubles the damage you take, and halves the damage you deal, so your 110 damage weapon, deals 55 damage, making DT piercing all the more important. But yeah, Stealth is OP because it guarantees crits. Especially in New Vegas, where the land is so flat and empty that you can spot and snipe enemies from a mile off basically.
If this is the Midwestern BoS in Fallout 4, i wonder if they get into a conflict with the Institute due to how the Institute's androids remind the MW BoS of the Calculator's robot army.
Basically a year after metacritic, though I dont see why that would change anything.
That would be ironic. Would be like Steve Jobs uploading his consciousness by using Window's (Microsoft) Internet Explorer.
hm ok right, hardest i played was hard, definitely not masochist enough for very hard in hardcoe mode
anyway, about the ammo types, you got to understand this: for you americans, guns apparently are a part of your everyday life, so ammo types probably relate to a concept you're familiar with. for the big parts of the fallout player community from countries with more restrictive gun laws (which is: every single one i know) though, a gun basically is just a stick with a trigger that casts little metal balls that poke holes, and when you - very rarely - even see one, it means trouble. hence, for most of us, ammo types just don't refer to anything real, making them nothing more than an artificial seeming obnoxiousness to make postapocalyptic life harder for us (and that's what i mean "pointless").
still, i'm not saying they shouldn't be in the game. but they should be optional, since to many of us, they just don't make much sense (and yeah, might be educational, but, only talking for myself though, i want an enjoyable game and not a game shaped gun tutorial)
...and about stealth in nv: land may have been so flat [...], but render distance wasn't necessarily - and the thing esp with sniper rifles, at low levels, you had such a ridiculous amount of weapon swaying when aiming it was hard to really place any ranged shot at all, let alone a critical (gets FAR better once high leveled though
Also, I wonder what role MIT could have had in the pre-war world. Was it subject to undue influence by RobCo because of House? Was it independent in its research? Is it still private in the FO universe or is it controlled by the government? Or was it more a wellspring of young scientists for all pre-war companies (Poseidon, West Tek, Vault Tec, etc.)