having just read http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Grasping_Fortune by Serjo Hlaalu Dram Bero... i have some questions about as to who or what or how influences the philosophy of--and ideology of--and mean of accomplishing things for--Hlaalu?
The Redoran may surpass us on the field of battle, but when the dust clears, they will find themselves indebted to us.
The Indoril are loved by the people for their gifts and donations, but when the money runs dry, will the people remember?
now, i know it is less than always successful to look for explanation of things of TES in terms of how things are in ours here world, but... so is Hlaalu using some Elder Scroll equivalent of indentured servitude and or perpetual debt to, hm, accomplish their goals, etc? if Hlaalu is greed and stealth, then what is Redoran and Telvanni? religion and force and pride and smokescreens?
if murder and theft are bad for business, than don't murder then, force them to trade with you. if not directly, then by schemes and or debt. it you can steal from a dead man but not trade with him, then you sure can steal from him when he is still alive... through, again, if not directly, then by schemes and or debt. is this the ways of the Hlaalu--and by logical extension, also Empire's, since "We are the only Great House who has embraced the irresistible tides of Imperial law and custom. And thus we have profited by the Empire's new policies, ...."? trade, arrow, and olive branch, with the dragon's head turned towards the coin?